All abstracts by Luca Caricchi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Modern Igneous Petrology Needs More, High-Quality, Data: A Tribute to GEOROC and PetDBPetrelli M, Caricchi L & Ágreda López M
(2023) Machine Learning Thermo-Chemo-Barometry in Volcanic Systems
Ágreda López M, Petrelli M, Musu A & Caricchi L
(2023) Rapid Ascent and Accumulation of Mafic and Alkaline Magma Precedes Caldera Forming Eruptions
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Ágreda López M, Giordano G & Chiaradia M
(2022) Growth and Thermal Maturation of the Toba Magma Reservoir
Liu P-P, Caricchi L, Chung S-L, Li X-H, Li Q, Zhou M-F, Lai Y-M, Abdul Ghani A, Sihotang T, Sheldrake T & Simpson G
(2022) Machine Learning Thermo-Barometry for Volcanic Systems
Petrelli M, Lopez MA, Perugini D & Caricchi L
(2021) A View of the Volcanic Roots of Mt Liamuiga, Saint Kitts, Using Machine Learning Thermobarometry
Higgins O, Sheldrake T & Caricchi L
(2021) Using Microtomography and Machine Learning Thermobarometry to Reconcile the Extreme Explosivity of a Mafic-Alkaline Volcano
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Stueckelberger M, Fevola G, Giordano G, Higgins O & Weber G
(2021) When Volcanic Eruptions and Shallow-Level Granites are Siblings: The Case of the Takidani Magmatic Complex
Farina F, Hartung E, Weber G, Rubatto D & Caricchi L
(2021) Peraluminous Magmas and the LCT Pegmatitic Li Paradox
Dini A, Caricchi L, Farina F, Kouzmanov K & Pezzotta F
(2021) CO2 Favours the Accumulation of Excess Fluids in Felsic Magmas
Pistone M, Caricchi L & Ulmer P
(2021) The Evolution of the Plumbing System of Nevado de Toluca (Mexico) over 1.5 Million Years
Caricchi L, Petrelli M, Simpson G & Arce JL
(2020) Rejuvenation and Decompression Events Recorded in Alkali Feldspar from Plutonic Rocks
Seitz S, Gualda G, Wiebe R & Caricchi L
(2020) Capturing the P-T Evolution of Magmas in Volcanic Plumbing Systems by Machine Learning
Petrelli M, Caricchi L & Perugini D
(2019) Zircon Crystallization Age Distribution Reflecting the Lifetime of the Long-Living Crystal Mush System beneath the Ciomadul Volcanic Dome Field (Eastern-Central Europe)
Lukács R, Schmitt AK, Caricchi L, Bachmann O, Guillong M, Molnár K & Harangi S
(2018) Thermal Modelling of Magma Fluxes and the Petrological Evolution of Magmatic Systems
Weber G, Simpson G & Caricchi L
(2017) Linking Fluid Flux, Fluid Chemistry and Degassing Timescales of Incrementally Grown Plutons: Implications for Mineralization and Volcanic Degassing
Chelle-Michou C, Rottier B, Caricchi L & Simpson G
(2015) Why do Intermediate Magmas Stall?
Jagoutz O & Caricchi L
(2013) Control of Magma Recharge and Buoyancy on the Frequency and Magnitude of Volcanic Eruptions
Caricchi L, Annen C & Blundy J
(2011) The Origin of Carbonate Globules in Silicate Melts: Solids or Liquids?
McMahon S, Bailey K, Walter M & Caricchi L
(2011) Magma Emplacement Durations and Rates and the Dynamics of Magmatism and Volcanism
Annen C, Blundy J, Caricchi L, Menand T, de Saint-Blanquat M, Schöpa A & Sparks S