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All abstracts by Jacinthe Caillaud in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Urban Soils Exposed to Industrial Dust Deposition: Bioavailability of Dust-Borne Metals and Ecotoxicity of Soil Matrices (Gravelines, Northern France)
Casetta M, Philippe S, Caillaud J, Courcot L, Dumoulin D, Verdin A, Cornille V, Alaimo V, Billon G, Henry F, Courcot D & Hermoso M

(2017) U-Pb Zircon Ages and Geochemical Analyses of French Guiana Recent Coastal Sediments Under Amazon Influence
Philippe S, Dörr W, Marko L, Courcot L, Lesourd S, Caillaud J, Gontharet S, Gardel A, Bory A & Henry F

(2013) Distribution and Sources of Organic Matter (OM) in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank of French Guiana
Gontharet S, Mathieu O, Lévêque J, Milloux M-J, Lesourd S, Philippe S, Caillaud J & Gardel A

(2007) Contribution of Two Main Smelters on Urban Soils Pollution in Northern France Investigated by Lead Isotopes
Philippe S, Courcot L, Douay F, Pruvot C, Waterlot C, Caillaud J & Dörr W

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