All abstracts by James M. Byrne in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Sustainable Biogenic Transformation of Iron from Industrial Waste to Magnetic NanoparticlesUllah S, Crane R & Byrne JM
(2023) Iron Biogeobatteries: Interactions with Bacteria and Metal Contaminants
Byrne JM
(2023) Si and Mg Fractionation during Reverse Weathering: An in Vitro Experimental Approach
Dong Z, Hendry KR, Byrne JM & Bryce C
(2023) The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Recovery of Metals from Anthropogenic and Environmental Waste
O'Neill K, Biswakarma J, Crane R & Byrne JM
(2023) Dynamics of Contaminant Sorption on Mineral Surfaces due to Multiple Redox Cycling of Natural Iron-Rich Clay Minerals
Biswakarma J & Byrne JM
(2023) Redox-Independent Isotope Fractionation during Cr(III) Adsorption onto Goethite and Magnetite
Kleinhanns IC, Babechuk M, Wille M, Byrne JM & Schoenberg R
(2021) Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidation Takes Place in Organic Rich Environments
Nikeleit V, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Harwood C, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2021) Autotrophic Nitrate Reduction Coupled to Oxidation of Fe(II) Phases by a Gallionellaceae Sp.-Dominated Microbial Community Enriched from a Pyrite-Rich Aquifer
Jakus N, Blackwell N, Mellage A, Straub D, Hoeschen C, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Mueller CW, Grathwohl P, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2021) Improving Quantification of Iron-Associated Organic Carbon in Organic-Rich Soils
Eberle A, Byrne JM, Patzner MS, Gallego-Sala A, Pancost RD, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2020) Fe(III) Mineral Formation by Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria – Consequences for Removal of Nitrate
Kappler A, Jakus N, Becker S, Kleindienst S, Huang Y-M, Bayer T, Maisch M, Nikeleit V, Byrne JM & Bryce C
(2020) Can Reactive Iron Preserve Organic Carbon during Permafrost Collapse?
Kappler A, Patzner M, Logan M, Joss H, Mueller C, Scholten T, Byrne J, Borch T & Bryce C
(2019) Iron Oxidation Under Continuous Flow Conditions
Bayer T, Kappler A & Byrne J
(2019) Influence of Microbial Fe Cycling on the Formation of Primary BIF Sediments
Schad M, Bryce C, Byrne JM, Konhauser KO & Kappler A
(2019) Challenges and Solutions of Using Magnetite Nanoparticles for Metal(loid) Remediation
Sorwat J, Kappler A & Byrne J
(2019) Did Bacteria Induce Redox Cycling of Magnetite within Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)?
Byrne J, Schad M, McCammon C, Tomaszewski E, Smith A, Cerantola V & Kappler A
(2019) Influence of Microbial Biomass on Abiogenic and Microbial Magnetite Formation
Han X, Byrne JM, Tomaszewski EJ, Pan Y & Kappler A
(2019) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Peat Deposits of the Hetao Basin, China
Wang H, Byrne J, Perez J, Thomas A, Benning L, Mayanna S, Hoefer H, Kontny A, Eiche E, Guo H, Kappler A & Norra S
(2019) Pyrite Formation from FeS and H2S: A Novel Microbial Energy Metabolism
Thiel J, Byrne J, Kappler A, Schink B & Pester M
(2019) Mercury Reduction by Vivianite
Etique M, Bouchet S, Byrne J, Thomas-Arrigo L, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2019) Framboidal Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Byrne J, Kenward P, Michiels C, Simister R, Friese A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Nomosatyro S, Kallmeyer J, Kappler A, Smit M & Crowe S
(2019) Overview of the Role of Surface Defects on Goethite’s Biogeochemistry
Notini L, Latta D, Neumann A, Pearce C, Rosso K, Byrne J, Tomaszewski E, Zhou Z, Kappler A & Scherer M
(2017) Identity and Abundance of Iron- and Sulfur-Metabolizers in a Paleoproterozoic Ocean Analogue
Koeksoy E, Halama M, Hagemann N, Byrne JM, Kleindienst S, Sundman A, Laufer K, Hanselmann K, Halevy I, Konhauser KO, Schoenberg R & Kappler A
(2017) Iron Mineral Transformations Induced by Ferrous Iron and Sulfide in NOM-Fe-Rich Peatland Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2017) Biogeochemical Fingerprints in Biogenic Magnetite Nanoparticles
Warter V, Byrne J, Schoenberg R, Schade M, Amor M, Konhauser K & Kappler A
(2017) Microbial iron(II) Oxidation Under Anoxic and Microoxic Conditions – Ecology and Biomineral Formation
Kappler A, Bryce C, Blackwell N, Koeksoy E, Schmidt C, Byrne J, Nordhoff M, Laufer K & Jorgensen BB
(2017) Adaptation to Growth on Fe(II) in the Photoferrotroph R. Palustris TIE-1: A Proteomic and Electron Microscopy Analysis
Bryce C, Kleindienst S, Benzerara K, Miot J, Newman DK, Kulkarni G, Byrne JM, Franz-Wachtel M, Macek B & Kappler A
(2017) Using He-Ion Microscopy to Map the Growth and Mineralization of Twisted Stalks Produced by Microaerophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria
Byrne J, Schmidt M, Bryce C, Gauger T & Kappler A
(2016) Comparing Biogenic and Abiotic Magnetite for Potential Biotechnological Applications
Byrne J, Sundman A & Kappler A
(2016) Redox Reactions between Humic Substances and Magnetite
Sundman A, Byrne JM & Kappler A
(2016) Iron Atom Exchange Kinetics in Iron-Rich Organic Freshwater Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2015) Redox and Sorption Reactions between Magnetite and Humic Substances
Sundman A, Byrne JM & Kappler A
(2015) Size Dependent Microbial Redox Cycling of Fe within Magnetite
Byrne J & Kappler A
(2014) Cyclic Microbial Oxidation and Reduction of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Klueglein N, Pearce C, Appel E & Kappler A
(2013) Microbial Redox Cycling of Surface Fe Ions in Magnetite Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Klüglein N & Kappler A
(2012) Scaling up Production of Biogenic Magnetite for Industrial Use
Coker V, Byrne J, Muhamad-Ali H, Hainsworth C, Cooper J & Lloyd J
(2011) Bioengineering Nano-Magnetite for Contaminant Clean-Up
Coker V, Crean D, Cutting R, Telling N, Byrne J, Pattrick R, van der Laan G, Vaughan D & Lloyd J
(2011) Using Bacteria to Produce Tailored Magnetic Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Coker V, Telling N, van der Laan G, Vaughan D, Pattrick R & Lloyd J