All abstracts by Peter R. Buseck in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Abundance and Formation of Tar Ball Particles from Biomass BurningAdachi K, Sedlacek A, Kleinman L & Buseck P
(2014) Evolution of Near Field Biomass Burning Aerosols
Lewis E, Sedlacek A, Kleinman L, Arnott P, Adachi K, Buseck P, Onasch T, Pikridas M, Shilling J, Springston S, Wang J & Yokelson B
(2010) Aerosol Particles as Viewed Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
Buseck P
(2009) Individual Particles in Atmospheric Dust from Saudi Arabia
Pósfai M, Axisa D, Bruintjes R & Buseck PR
(2007) Li Isotope Studies of Mantle-Derived Olivine by SIMS
Bell D, Hervig R & Buseck P
(2002) Aerosols ˆ the Colloids of the Atmosphere
Buseck P & Schwartz S
(2001) Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy for Probing Grain Boundaries
Buseck PR & Garvie LAJ