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All abstracts by Christopher J. Tadanier in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2010) Irreversible Reductions in Surface Area of Nanoparticles Depends on Drying Conditions
Madden A, Bickmore B, Tadanier C, Lau B, Miller M & Huang R

(2004) Combined ab Initio/Bond-Valence Method of pKa Prediction for Oxide Surfaces
Bickmore B, Tadanier C & Rosso K

(2004) Ordered Water in Surface Complexation Modeling
Tadanier C, Madden A & Eick M

(2003) Mineral-Fluid Interfaces and Interactions: From Molecular to Local, Regional, and Global-Scale Processes
Hochella M, Tadanier C, Lower B, Lower S, Kendall T & Cail T

(2002) Competitive Adsorption of Oxyanions
Tadanier CJ, Luxton TP & Eick MJ

(2001) Modeling Nanoforce Measurements between Viable Microorganisms and Mineral Surfaces: Influence of Environment on Interfacial Phenomena
Tadanier CJ & Lower SK

(2000) Probing the Dynamic Nanoscale World at the Interface between Micro-Organism and Minerals
Lower S, Tadanier C & Hochella M

(2000) An Integrated Biogeochemical Approach for Studying Bio-Availability of Microbial Nutrients Sorbed on Mineral Surfaces
Tadanier CJ, Airey C, Berry DF, Potts M & Hochella MF

(2000) Surface Complexation Modeling of Pi-Goethite Adsorption Behavior: Integrating Adsorption Edge and Surface Charging Data
Tadanier CJ, Eick MJ & Hochella MF

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