All abstracts by Victor Brovkin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedback during Glacial CyclesGanopolski A, Brovkin V, Calov R, Archer D & Manhoven G
(2010) Modelling the Terrestrial Phosphorus Cycle in the Framework of an Earth System Model (ESM)
Goll DS, Brovkin V, Parida B, Reick CH & Gayler V
(2009) Simulation of Glacial-Interglacial Atmospheric CO2 Variations Using a Comprehensive Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity
Ganopolski A, Brovkin V & Calov R
(2007) Impact of Future Greenland Deglaciation on Global Weathering Fluxes and Atmospheric CO2
Munhoven G, Brovkin V, Ganopolski A & Archer D