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All abstracts by Christoph Breitkreuz in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) The Early Permian Intra-Plate Wurzen Caldera (Saxony, Germany): Tracking the Magmatic Evolution of a ‘monotonous Intermediate’ by Ferromagnesian Silicates
Repstock A, Breitkreuz C, Schulz B & Hübner M

(2017) The Late- to Post-Collisional Teplice Rhyolite, Central-European Variscides (German-Czech Border): Unraveling Processes and Evolution of A-Type Granitic Melts
Casas-García R, Rapprich V, Breitkreuz C, Schulz B, Haser S & Lapp M

(2017) Classifications and p-T Paths of Phenocrysts and Volcanic Glass from the Quarternary Ignimbrite Units of the Aragats Volcanic Province, Armenia
Gevorgyan H, Repstock A, Schulz B, Meliksetian K, Breitkreuz C & Israyelyan A

(2015) Crystallization Condition and Magma Evolution for the Early Permian Planitz Vitrophyre, Chemnitz-Basin, Eastern Germany
Heuer F, Repstock A, Schulz B, Breitkreuz C & Fischer F

(2014) Silicic Magmatism in the Polish Lowland: How Crust Formation and Evolution is Recorded in Zircons
Słodczyk E, Pietranik A & Breitkreuz C

(2013) Evolution of Rhyolite Magmas in the Halle Volcanic Complex – A Record from Hf and O Isotope and Hf Concentrations in Zircon
Słodczyk E, Pietranik A, Breitkreuz C & Fanning M

(2012) Voluminous Magmas in Intra-Continental Setting: Hf and O Isotopes in Zircons from Late Paleozoic Volcanic Rocks in NE Germany
Pietranik A, Storey C, Breitkreuz C & Deja E

(2011) Correlations between Hf, O and Trace Element Concentrations in Zircon from Rhyolitic Rocks (NE German Basin)
Deja E, Pietranik A, Kierczak J, Milke R & Breitkreuz C

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