All abstracts by Benjamin Bowen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Phylogenomic and Physiological Exploration of Novel Clades of the Phylum Chloroflexi from Great Boiling Spring, Nevada, USAThomas SC, Dodsworth JA, Zhou E, Murugapiran SK, Woyke T, Shaprio N, Bowen B, Silva LP, Northen TR & Hedlund BP
(2011) High-Resolution Metabolomics Reveals Unusual N-Methyl Lyso Phosphatidylethanolamines as Abundant and Strain-Specific Lipids in Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms
Wilmes P, Fischer C, Bowen B, Thomas B, Mueller R, Denef V, VerBerkmoes N, Hettich R, Northen T & Banfield J