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All abstracts by Masayo Minami in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Radiocarbon Dating of Holocene Carbonate Concretions in Nagoya and Shimizu Ports, Central Japan
Minami M, Yoshida H & Kuma R

(2020) 87Sr/86Sr Linkage between Geological and Biological Materials
Minami M, Sawada H & Wakaki S

(2019) Sr Isotope Exchange in Bone Apatite: An 84Sr-Enrichment Experiment
Minami M & Wakaki S

(2016) Collaborative Education on "Geochemical Experiment" and "Geological Survey" for Undergraduate Students in Earth Science Department
Asahara Y, Mimura K, Minami M & Yamamoto K

(2016) Comparison of Carbon Extraction Methods for Radiocarbon Analysis of DIC in Water Samples
Takahashi H, Minami M & Aramaki T

(2016) Estimation of Paleoclimate Changes from 14C of Speleothem from the Ryugashi Cave, Central Japan
Minami M, Horikawa K & Nakamura T

(2016) Carbonaceous Aerosols Observed in Noto Peninsula: Their Source and Impact on Aerosol CCN Activity
Matsuki A, Yamada R, Kinouchi K, Miyazaki R, Iwamoto Y, Ikemori F, Minami M & Nakamura T

(2016) An Attempt on 14C Dating and Reconstruction of Diet for Cremated Remains of Jokei, a Buddhist Monk
Mukumoto H, Minami M & Nakamura T

(2016) Meteoric 10Be in Bed-Sediment of Rivers Flowing to Lake Biwa, Central Japan
Fujisawa J, Minami M & Saito-Kokubu Y

(2016) Atmospheric 14CO2 and Suess Effect: 14C Contents in Pine Needles Grown from 1983 to 2014 at the Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University
Nakamura T & Minami M

(2015) Interpretation of Speleothem Calcite 14C Variations from Monitoring Drip Water 14C in the Rygashi Cave in Shizuoka, Central Japan
Minami M, Kato T, Horikawa K & Nakamura T

(2015) Reconstruction of Heavy Element Emission Histroy from a Peat-Rich Pond in the Western Pacific Region
Tanimizu M, Kohno M, Asahara Y, Minami M & Hosono T

(2013) Geochemical Mapping of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments in Japan
Jomori Y, Minami M & Ohta A

(2013) Geochemical Map of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments is Useful for Detection of Food-Producing Areas and Human Migration?
Minami M, Jomori Y & Ohta A

(2011) Reaction of Silicate with Released CO2 by Inorganic Precipitations of Marine Carbonate in Sandstone: Evidence from 87Sr/86Sr, δ18O and δ13C Isotopes in Calcareous Sandstone
Minami M, Tanaka T, Takeuchi M & Mito S

(2007) Radiocarbon and 13C Variations during the Last 300 Years in Lacustrine Sediments of Lake Biwa, Central Japan
Minami M, Tane N & Nakamura T

(2004) Precambrian Antarctic Meteorite “Phantasia”
Tanaka T, Minami M, Shibata S, Yanai K & Shiraishi K

(2003) Dependence of 14C Ages on Carbon Fraction and Reservoir Effect for Archeological Materials
Nakamura T, Minami M, Oda H, Niu E, Ikeda A & Ohta T

(2003) New Attempt to Geochemical Mapping of Sr Isotope in Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan
Asahara Y, Ishiguro H, Tanaka T, Yamamoto K, Mimura K & Minami M

(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Minor Elements
Tanaka T, Yamamoto K, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H

(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Major Elements
Yamamoto K, Tanaka T, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H

(2003) 87Sr/86Sr Ratios in Lake Sediments in Lake Biwa, Japan -Environmental Change in the Last 200 Years-
Minami M, Oda H, Yokota K, Ando K & Yamamoto K

(2002) Presence of Evolved Continental Crust in Archean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Evidence from Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of 3.4Gyr Cherts
Suzuki K, Shimizu H, Okamoto M, Hattori Y, Minami M & Shimoda G

(2002) Isotope Diluted Neutron Activation Analysis (ID-Naa) for Quantitative Analysis of PGEs and Re
Tanaka T, Senda R, Shibata S-N, Minami M & Tanimizu M

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