All abstracts by Alan Boudreau in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) The Skaergaard Intrusion: Using Petrography to Characterize an Exsolved Magmatic Volatile PhaseWernette B & Boudreau A
(2007) Magma Differentiation in a T Gradient: Thermal Migration and Soret Effects are not Dead!
Lundstrom C, Boudreau A, Huang F & Ianno A
(2006) PGE Abundance Patterns for the Basement Sill and Dufek Intrusion, Ferrar Large Igneous Province, Antarctica
Mukasa S, Ravizza G, Bédard J, Fleming T, Boudreau A, Marsh B & Choi S-H
(2005) Modeling C-O-H-S Fluids and Sulfides in Igneous Systems
Boudreau A
(2005) On the Hydrothermal Origin of Platinum-Group Element Deposits in Layered Intrusions
Boudreau A
(2001) The Halogen Geochemistry and Stable Cl Isotopic Ratios of the Bushveld Complex, Republic of South Africa
Boudreau AE