All abstracts by J W Morgan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2001) The Fingerprint of the Late Veneer: Evidence from the Highly Siderophile Elements and Osmium IsotopesWalker RJ, Horan MF & Morgan JW
(2000) Robust Re-Os Molybdenite Ages for the Hemlo Au Deposit, Superior Province, Canada
Stein HJ, Markey RJ & Morgan JW
(2000) Siderophile Elements in Earth's Upper Mantle and Lunar Breccias: Manifestations of the Same Late Influx
Morgan JW, Walker RJ, Brandon AD & Horan MF
(2000) Re-Os Systematics in Diagenetic Pyrite from Continental Sedimentary Rocks: Potential for Geochronology and Isotopic Tracer Studies
Hannah JL, Morgan JW & Scherstén A