All abstracts by Jean Yves Bottero in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Stability of SiO2-Coated Silver Nanoparticles Under Environmental Conditions – A Safer by Design PerspectiveLevard C, Artells E, Auffan M, Thiéry A, Gelabert A, Sivry Y, Issartel J, Rose J, Labille J, Masion A & Bottero J-Y
(2013) Environmental Fate and Impacts of Ceria Nanomaterials: Distribution, Transformation and Bioaccumulation within Aquatic Mesocosms
Tella M, Brousset L, Auffan M, Issartel J, Pailles C, Artells E, Thiery A, Santaella C, Achouack W, Massion A, Kieffer I, Rose J, Bottero J-Y & Espinasse B
(2013) Fate and Impacts of nano-CeO2 in an Activated Sludge Bioreactor
Barton L, Auffan M, Maison A, Santaella C, Olivi L, Roche N, Bottero J-Y & Wiesner M
(2012) Environmental Impacts of Nanomaterials: Physico-Chemical Evolution, Exposure Mechanisms and Mechanisms Disturbing the Biological Activity in Aqueous Environment
Bottero J-Y, Auffan M, Labille J, Masion A & Rose J
(2012) Speciation of Commercial CeO2 Nanocomposites during Aging
Masion A, Scifo L, Chaurand P, Diot MA, Labille J, Auffan M, Bottero JY & Rose J
(2012) Application of Iron Nanoparticles for Subsurface Remediation: Geochemical Interaction and Transfer
Kumar N, Kaifas D, Rose J, Labille J, Masion A, Doumenq P, Kvapil P & Bottero J-Y
(2012) Mesocosms as an Essential Tool to Assess the Environmental Exposure to Nanomaterials during their Life Cycle
Tella M, Brousset L, Bottero J-Y, Auffan M, Espinasse B, Artells E, Thierry A, Santaella C, Rose J, Masion A & Wiesner M
(2011) Imogolites as a Tool for Evaluating the Hazard of HARN
Levard C, Liu W, Masion A, Thill A, Rose J, Chaurand P, Auffan M, Doelsch E, Proux O & Bottero JY
(2011) Investigation of Copper and Zinc Speciation in Pig Slurry by a Multitechnique Approach
Legros S, Doelsch E, Chaurand P, Rose J, Masion A, Borschneck D, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Briois V, Ferrasse J-H, Saint-Macary H & Bottero J-Y
(2011) Environmental Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials Through their Life Cycle
Rose J, Auffan M, Chaurand P, Labille J, Borschneck D, Masion A, Miche H, Botta C, Geantet C, Puzenat E, Afanasiev P, Leclerc E, Garric J, Manuela F, Vollat B, Noury P, Pielichowskiaze K, Njuguna J, Bottero J-Y & Abbaci K
(2010) Mobility of Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles in Aquatic Media
Masion A, Levard C, Solovitch N, Diot M-A, Auffan M, Botta C, Labille J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Borschneck D, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F, Thill A & Bottero J-Y
(2009) Physical-Chemical Characterization and Ecotoxicity of Residues from Alteration of Engineered Nanomaterials
Botta C, Labille J, Feng J, Rose J, Chaurand P, Auffan M, Garric J, Vollat B, Abbaci K, Noury P, Masion A & Bottero J-Y
(2009) Implications of Nanoparticle Aggregation State and Reactivity in Toxicity Testing
Wiesner MR, Hotze EM, Jassby D, Bottero J-Y & Labille J
(2009) CEINT and iCEINT: An International Collaboration to Assess the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology
Lowry G, Wiesner M, Rose J & Bottero JY
(2009) Formation and Growth Mechanisms of Natural Nanotubes: Imogolites
Masion A, Levard C, Rose J, Doelsch E, Thill A, Borschneck D & Bottero JY
(2008) Nanosized Aluminosilicates (Allophane): Formation Mechanisms and Sorption Capacities
Masion A, Levard C, Ziarelli F, Doelsch E, Rose J & Bottero JY
(2008) Cu and Zn Speciation in Pig Slurry Impact on their Mobility in Soil
Legros S, Doelsch E, Rose J, Masion A, Proux O, Hazmann J-L, Saint-Macary H & Bottero J-Y
(2007) Role of Natural Nanoparticles (Imogolite and Allophane) on the Mobility of Trace Metals in Soils from La Reunion Island
Levard C, Rose J, Masion A, Doelsch E, Basile-Doelsch I & Bottero J-Y
(2006) NMR Evidence of Arsenic Binding to Silica Colloids.
Masion A, Rose J, Ziarelli F & Bottero JY
(2005) Speciation of Cr and V within Leached BOF Steel Slag
Chaurand P, Rose J, Bottero J & Domas J
(2005) Effects of Maghemite Nanoparticles on the Toxicity of Arsenic within Cultured Human Fibroblasts
Auffan M, Rose J & Bottero J
(2005) Oxidation of Natural Groundwater from Bangladesh: Arsenic Speciation Evolution Assessed by XAS
Thoral S, Rose J, van Geen L, Garnier J, Chapon V, Hazeman JL, Heulin T & Bottero J
(2004) A New Environmental Friendly Route for the Fabrication of Iron Oxide Ultrafiltration Membranes Using Ferroxane Nanoparticles
Rose J, Cortalezzi M, Wells G, Bottero J, Barron A & Wiesner M