All abstracts by Marie-Christine Boiron in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Silicified Brecciated Fault Rocks from an Oceanic Detachment Fault at 13°20’N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Which Fluid Sources and Pathways?Verlaguet A, Bonnemains D, Mevel C, Escartin J, Andreani M, Bourdelle F, Boiron M-C & Chavagnac V
(2021) Sedimentary Formation Waters as Potential Low-Impact Lithium Resources
Dugamin E, Richard A, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C, Despinois F & Brisset A
(2019) An Experimental Study of the REEs Solubilities in Carbonate-Bearing Aqueous Solutions Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Kokh M, Truche L, Luais B, Boiron M-C, Peiffert C, Schumacher A & Bychkov AY
(2018) Geochemistry of the Granodiorite from the Intrusion-Controlled Gold Deposit of Bonikro, Fettèkro Greenstone Belt, Côte d’Ivoire
Ouattara Z, Coulibaly Y & Boiron M-C
(2017) Origin of H2 and CO Adsorbed on Talc and Chlorite from the Trimouns-La Porteille Deposit (Pyrenees)
Quesnel B, Truche L, Rigaudier T, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C & Gaucher EC
(2017) Pargasite in Fluid Inclusions of Mantle Xenoliths from Northeast Australia (Mt. Quincan): Sign of Interaction of Astenospheric Fluid
Berkesi M, Czuppon G, Szabó C, Kovács I, Ferrero S, Pfeiffert C & Boiron M-C
(2017) An Experimental Study of REE Solubility in Carbonate-Bearing Aqueous Solutions Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Kokh M, Truche L, Luais B & Boiron MC
(2016) Fluids in the South Armorican Shear Zone, France
Boulvais P, Tartèse R, Poujol M, Boiron M-C, Branquet Y, Gebelin A & Dusseaux C
(2015) Sulfur Radical Species Form Gold Deposits on Earth
Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Guillaume D, Borisova A, Gisquet P, Jean-Louis H, Lahera E, Del Net W, Proux O, Testemale D, Haigis V, Jonchière R, Seitsonen A, Ferlat G, Vuilleumier R, Saitta M, Boiron M-C & Dubessy J
(2015) Fluid Inclusions and Volatile-Rich Minerals in Nephelinite as Tracers of Fluids beneath the NW African Craton (Saghro Volcanic Field, Morocco)
Chamboredon R, Parat F, Boiron M-C & Hidas K
(2014) Pop-Down Tectonics, Hydrothermal Alteration, Sb Mineralization: The Murchison Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Boulvais P, Jaguin J, Poujol M, Boiron M-C & Gapais D
(2013) Ge, Related Trace Elements, and Ge Isotopes in Sphalerite from the Saint-Salvy Deposit (France) by LA-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS
Belissont R, Boiron M-C, Luais B & Cathelineau M
(2013) Origin of Brines Associated with the Bou Azzer Silver Deposit, Anti-Atlas, Morroco: A LA-ICPMS Study of Individual Fluid Inclusions
Leisen M, Boiron M-C, Essaraj S & Dubessy J
(2013) Microthermometric and Raman Analysis of Fluids that Interacted with Variably Graphitic Pelitic Schist in the Dufferin Lake Zone, South-Central Athabasca Basin: Implications for Graphite Loss and Uranium Deposition
Pascal M, Ansdell K, Annesley I, Boiron M-C, Kotzer T, Jiricka D & Cuney M
(2012) Origin of Uranium Deposits Revealed by their Rare Earth Element Signature
Mercadier J, Cuney M, Lach P, Boiron M-C, Bonhoure J & Richard A
(2012) Dating Fluid Flow Events in a Shallow Sedimentary Basin: The Key Contribution of K-Ar Geochronology of Authigenic Illite
Blaise T, Clauer N, Cathelineau M, Boulvais P, Boiron M-C, Techer I, Tarantola A & Landrein P
(2012) Upper Crustal Record of Migmatites Exhumation: The South Armorican Domain
Boulvais P, Tartese R, Boiron M-C, Poujol M & Ruffet G
(2011) Conditions for Uranium Transport in Unconformity-Related U Deposits
Richard A, Rozsypal C, Banks DA, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Boiron M-C & Cathelineau M
(2011) What Real Constraints do Cherts Bring on Precambrian Surface Temperatures ?
Chaussidon M, Lach P, Robert F, Boiron M-C & Luais B
(2011) Preliminary High-Resolution Ge/Si Data in Early Archaean BIFs
Luais B, Lach P, Thomassot E, Chaussidon M & Boiron M-C
(2009) Fluid Infiltration along the South Armorican Shear Zone
Boulvais P, Lemarchand J, Gaboriau M, Tartèse R, Boiron M-C, Bonnet S & Jégouzo P
(2009) Origin of U-Mineralizing Brines in the Athabasca Basin, Canada
Richard A, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C, Cuney M, Banks D, Boulvais P, France-Lanord C & Pettke T