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All abstracts by Pamela D. Kempton in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Evolving MORB Compositions between 61 and 7 Ma along the South Atlantic Transect (SAT: IODP Expeditions 390 and 393): Shipboard Data Insights into Source and Process
Ryan JG, Belgrano TM, Jonnalagadda M, Kempton PD, Coggon RM, Teagle DAH, Reece J, Sylvan JB, Williams T, Estes ER & Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists SAT

(2023) 61 Ma Basalts from IODP Expedition 390 Site U1556: Evidence for Plume-Ridge Interaction during Opening of the South Atlantic?
Kempton PD, Ryan J, Belgrano TM, Jonnalagadda M, Coggon RM, Teagle DAH, Estes ER, Sylvan JB, Reece J, Williams T & Expedition 390 & 393 Scientists SAT

(2023) Temporal Evolution of the Swell and Magmatic Fluxes along the Louisville Hotspot Chain
Adam C, Smith MN, Kempton PD & Brueseke M

(2020) MELTS Modelling of Prehistoric Mount Etna, Valle del Bove
Kempton PD, Downes H, Spence A, Blichert-Toft J, Bryce J, Hegner E & Vroon PZ

(2018) Cu Isotope Heterogeneity in Lithospheric Mantle Metasomes
Kempton PD, Mathur R & Zweifelhofer G

(2015) Geochemistry of Mn and its Spatial Distribution in the Murshidabad District of West Bengal, India
Vega M, Datta S, Kulkarni H, Kempton P, Bhattacharya P, Mladenov N & Johannesson K

(2014) Fate of Immobile Elements in Subduction Systems: A Hf Isotope Study of Southern Sardinia
Kempton P, Downes H & Spence A

(2002) Did the Ancestral Hawaii Plume Interact with a Mid-Ocean Ridge? The Isotopic Evidence
Kempton PD, Thompson PME & Saunders AD

(2002) Formation of Lower Continental Crust by Tectonic Emplacement of Oceanic Crust. An example:The Pannonian Basin
Dobosi G, Kempton PD, Downes H & Embey-Isztin A

(2002) Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of the Gorgona Komatiites, and their Relationship with the Caribbean Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Saunders AD, Kerr AC & Tarney J

(2002) Hf Isotopes from the Ninetyeast Ridge
Barry T, Kempton P & Saunders A

(2002) Behaviour of High Field Strength Elements in Subduction Systems
Pearce JA, Kempton PD & Gill JB

(2001) The Australian-Antarctic Discordance as a Long-Lived Mantle Boundary: Evidence from Hf-Nd-Pb Isotope Analyses of 14n?28 Ma Basalts from ODP Leg 187
Kempton PD, Barry TL & Pearce JA

(2001) Hf-Nd Systematics of an Arc Sequence Associated with the Cretaceous Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PME, Kempton PD, White RV, Tarney J, Saunders AD & Kerr AC

(2000) Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Granulite Xenoliths from Mindszentkalla and Sabarhegy, Pannonian Basin, Hungary
Embey-Isztin A, Downes H, Dobosi G & Kempton P

(2000) The Geochemical and Tectonic Origin of Island Arcs Associated with the Caribbean Oceanic Plateau
Thompson PM, Tarney J, White RV, Saunders AD, Kempton PD & Kerr AC

(2000) The Origin of HFSE Anomalies in Subduction Zone Magmas: Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope and Element Covariations
Pearce J, Kempton P & Nowell G

(2000) N-Morb or a Depleted Plume Component? Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of Tertiary Picritic and Basaltic Lava Flows from Baffin Island
Kempton PD, Fitton JG, Francis D & Lass S

(2000) Hf Isotope Evidence for Mantle Domain Boundaries in the Western Pacific
Kempton PD, Pearce JA & Tappin D

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