All abstracts by Jonathan David Blundy in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) The Partitioning of Trace Elements between Clinopyroxene and Trachybasaltic Melt during Rapid CoolingScarlato P, Mollo S, Blundy J, Iezzi G & Langone A
(2013) Control of Oxygen Fugacity in Piston Cylinder Experiments
Matjuschkin V, Tattitch B & Blundy JD
(2013) Cyclic Submission of the Aeolian Arc: Evidence from Salina
Moretti H, Gottsmann J, Blundy J & Sulpizio R
(2013) New Experimental Constraints on Slab Top Conditions
Skora S, Martindale M, Carter L, Blundy J, Elliott T & Pickles J
(2013) Control of Magma Recharge and Buoyancy on the Frequency and Magnitude of Volcanic Eruptions
Caricchi L, Annen C & Blundy J
(2013) Mo-W-Re-au-cu Partitioning between Vapor, Brine and Felsic Melt: Super-Solidus to Sub-Solidus
Tattitch B, Blundy J, Candela P & Piccoli P
(2013) Effect of Magma Mixing on the Evolution of the Intermediate Members of Süphan Volcanics: Eastern Turkey
Özdemir Y, Güleç N & Blundy J
(2012) Pressure-Induced Anomalous Isotopic Fractionation of Li in Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems
Teague A, Sherman D, Blundy J & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2012) Magmatic Processes at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand: Melt-Mush Interactions Determined from Melt Inclusions
Kilgour G, Blundy J, Cashman K & Mader H
(2012) Diffusion Chronometry and Seismology: Insights into Eruption Precursors
Saunders K, Blundy J, Dohmen R & Cashman K
(2012) Extreme Magmatic Differentiation at Dabbahu Volcano, Afar, Ethiopia
Field L, Blundy J, Calvert A & Yirgu G
(2011) The Influence of CO2 on Phase Relations at Mount St. Helens
Riker J, Blundy J, van Hoek C & van der Laan S
(2011) Experimental Investigation of Garnet-Cpx Geobarometers in Eclogites
Pickles J, Blundy J, Sweeney R & Smith C
(2011) Experimental Determination of the Hydrous Basalt Liquidus
Stamper C, Blundy J, Melekhova E & Arculus R
(2011) Melting of Carbonaceous Sediments in Subduction Zones
Skora S & Blundy J
(2011) Experimental Constraints on the Composition of Slab Liquids Below Arc Volcanoes
Klimm K, Schroeder F & Blundy J
(2011) A Predictive Thermodynamic Model for Element Partitioning between Plagioclase and Melt
Dohmen R & Blundy J
(2011) Rapid Dyke Emplacement as an Eruption Trigger: Dabbahu Volcano, Ethiopia
Field L, Saunders K & Blundy J
(2011) Magma Emplacement Durations and Rates and the Dynamics of Magmatism and Volcanism
Annen C, Blundy J, Caricchi L, Menand T, de Saint-Blanquat M, Schöpa A & Sparks S
(2009) An Atomistic Perspective of the Incorporation of Noble Gases and Other Trace Elements into Magmatic Crystals
Pinilla C, Davis S, Elliott T, Allan N & Blundy J
(2009) Monazite Solubility in High-Pressure Aqueous Melts
Skora S, Blundy J, Coath C & Bouvier A-S
(2009) Linking Geochemical Signatures and Sulphur Contents of Arc Magmas: An Experimental Approach
Klimm K, Blundy J, Schollenbruch K & Woodland A
(2008) Insights into Trace-Element Mineral Melt Partitioning from Atomistic Simulation and ab Initio Theory
Pinilla C, Allan N, Blundy J & van Westrenen W
(2007) Experimental Constraints on Trace Element Fluxes from Slab to Wedge
Blundy J, Klimm K & Green T
(2007) Magma Generation and Ascent beneath Arc Volcanoes
Blundy J, Berlo K & Cashman K
(2007) Volatile Fluxing and Magma Storage at Mount St. Helens Volcano
Blundy J, Cashman K & Berlo K
(2007) Volcán de Colima, an Andesitic Volcano Fed by a Dacitic Reservoir. Is that Typical of Continental Arc Magmatism?
Reubi O & Blundy J
(2005) Lithium Transport by a Magmatic Volatile Phase beneath Mount St. Helens Volcano
Blundy J, Berlo K & Cashman K
(2005) The Volcanic-Plutonic Connection at Subduction Zones
Blundy J
(2003) Effect of Water on Trace Element Partitioning in Komatiitic Melts
Gilpin L, Blundy J & Wood B
(2002) Silicic Melt Generation by Basalt Crystallization in the Deep Crust
Annen C, Sparks S & Blundy J
(2002) Generation, Ascent and Crystallization of Calc-Alkaline Silicic Magmas
Blundy J, Sparks S, Annen C, Brooker R, Melnik O & Cashman K
(2002) Experimental Determination of Near-Solidus Peridotite Trace Partition Coefficients
McDade P, Wood B & Blundy J
(2002) Chemical Evolution of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in MORB
Blundy J, McDade P & Wood B
(2002) Some Experimental Constraints on Major and Trace Element Partitioning during Partial Melting of Eclogite
Klemme S, Blundy JD & Wood BJ
(2002) The 'Zero Charge' Partitioning Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Brooker R, Wood B, Kelley S, Chamorro E & Blundy J
(2002) Trace Element Partitioning˜New Developments Building on the Lattice Strain Model
Wood BJ & Blundy JD
(2000) Carbonatites from Recycled Eclogites
Dalton J & Blundy J
(2000) A Partitioning Origin for Strontium Anomalies in Mantle-Derived Melts
Blundy J & Green T
(2000) The Composition and Distribution of Trapped Melt in the Kiglapait Layered Intrusion
Blundy J, Dalpe C & Higgins M
(2000) Partitioning of U and Th between Low-Ca-Clinopyroxenes and Anhydrous Silicate Melts: Consequences for the Generation of U-Th-Diseqilibrium during Mantle Melting
Landwehr D, Blundy JD & Wood BJ
(2000) Subduction-Related Mantle Pyroxenites from Zabargad Island, Red Sea
Brooker R, Blundy J & James R
(2000) Mineral Simulations at High Temperatures and/Or High Pressures – Monte Carlo, Lattice Dynamics and ab Initio Studies
Allan NL, Blundy JD, Purton JA & Lavrentiev MY