All abstracts by Ludwik Halicz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Assessing Microbial Dehalogenation of Brominated Organics Using Compound Specific Stable Isotope AnalysisNijenhuis I, Kuntze K, Woods A, Gelmann F, Halicz L & Richnow H
(2014) Isotope Approach for Tracking the Fate of Brominated Organic Compounds in the Environment
Gelman F, Bernstein A, Zakon Y, Balaban N, Kozell A, Halicz L & Ronen Z
(2014) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Epigenetic Dolomitization of Carbonate Rocks
Shalev N, Lazar B, Halicz L & Gavrieli I
(2013) Levels and Distribution of Traffic Related Metals in Israel; Pb, Zn and Platinum Group Metals (PGM)
Teutsch N, Halicz L & Harlavan Y
(2013) Redox Control on the Water Column Distribution of Ra in a Stratified Lake – Lake Kinneret, Israel
Sharabi G, Lazar B, Kolodny Y, Halicz L & Nishri A
(2009) Mg Isotope Fractionation in the Ca-Chloride Dead Sea Brine System
Gavrieli I, Yoffe O, Burg A & Halicz L
(2007) 86Sr/88Sr Ratio by ICP-MS-Mc as a New Tracer of Terrestrial Geochemical Processes
Halicz L, Segal I, Fruchter N, Lazar B & Stein M
(2006) Climatic window for the “Out of Africa” exodus of early modern humans: evidence from desert stalactites
Vaks A, Bar-Matthews M, Ayalon A, Matthews A, Halicz L & Frumkin A
(2006) 65Cu/63Cu fractionation during copper sulphide formation from iron sulphides in aqueous solution
Asael D, Butler I, Matthews A, Rickard D, Bar-Matthews M & Halicz L
(2005) Redox Fractionation of Copper Isotopes in Sedimentary Conditions
Asael D, Matthews A, Bar-Matthews M, Halicz L, Ehrlich S & Teplyakov N
(2004) Tracing 20 Years of U, Sr and Mg into Porites Coral from the Elat Reef
Schossberger M, Lazar B, Halicz L & Stein M
(2004) Tracking Humid-Dry Cycles in Northeastern Sahara: The Negev Desert, Israel during the Pleistocene
Bar-Matthews M, Vaks A, Ayalon A, Almogi-Labin A & Halicz L
(2004) Oxygen and Iron Isotope Tracing of Metallic-Element Migration in the Continental Sub-Surface
Matthews A, Erel Y, Grosz S, Ilani S, Ayalon A & Halicz L
(2004) The Petrogenesis and Thermal History of Lower Crustal Xenoliths from the Karnei-Hitin Volcano, Northern Israel
Ben-Dov O, Navon O, Halicz L & Stein M
(2003) Experimental Study of Copper Isotope Fractionation between Aqueous Cu(II) and Cu(I) Sulphide
Ehrlich S, Butler I, Halicz L, Rickard D & Matthews A
(2003) Biogeochemical Controls of Iron Isotope Fractionation in Organic-Rich Sediments
Matthews A, Morgans-Bell H, Emmanuel S, Jenkyns H, Halicz L & Erel Y
(2002) Cyclic Variations of Iron Isotope Composition during Diagenesis: The Kimmeridge Clay Formation (UK)
Matthews A, Morgans-Bell H, Emmanuel S, Jenkyns HC & Halicz L
(2002) The Daly Gap: Low-Pressure Fractionation and Heat-Loss from a Cooling Magma Chamber
Mushkin A, Stein M, Halicz L & Navon O
(2002) Hydrological Stability in Carbonate Aquifers over the Last 250kyr as Reflected by 234U/238U in Groundwater, Speleothems and Tufa
Gavrieli I, Bar-Matthews M, Halicz L, Ayalon A, Gur D & Burg A
(2002) U and Pb Isotope Ratios in Manganese Nodules by MC-ICP-MS
Ehrlich S, Bar-Matthews M, Harlavan Y & Halicz L
(2002) Precise Isotope Ratio Analysis by MC-ICP-MS Without Matrix Separation – Sr, Pb and U Case Study
Halicz L & Ehrlich S
(2001) High-Precision Measurement of Light Elements Isotopic Ratios by MC-ICPMS: Example of Mg
Galy A, Belshaw NS, Halicz L & O'Nions RK
(2000) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Speleothems Formation
Galy A, Bar-Matthews M, Halicz L & O'Nions RK