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All abstracts by Alain Bernard in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Understanding Zinc Isotopic Signatures in Volcanic Lakes
Robic J, Debaille V, Villacorte E, Bornas MAV, Solidum RU, Syahbana DK, Huda K & Bernard A

(2021) Understanding Zinc and Strontium Isotopic Signatures in Volcanic Lakes
Robic J, Debaille V & Bernard A

(2017) Chronology of Weathering Periods by Supergene Goethite (U-Th)/He Dating in the Oriental High Atlas, Morocco
Verhaert M, Gautheron C, Bernard A, Dekoninck A, Missenard Y & Yans J

(2016) Continuous CO2 Flux Monitoring at Taal Main Crater Lake
Maussen K, Villacorte E, Maximo R, Bornas MA & Bernard A

(2016) Carbon Dioxide in Taal Volcanic Lake: A Simple Gasometer Open to the Atmosphere
Bernard A

(2007) Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Estimation of Thermal Energy Release from Volcanic Lakes
Mazot A, Bernard A & Taran Y

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