All abstracts by Juan Pablo Bernal in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Short Time Scales and Recent Replenishment in Large Magmatic Systems: Case Study of Los Humeros Caldera ComplexCarrasco G, Giordano G, Davila P, Bernal JP & Jicha B
(2017) North American Monsoon Response to Heinrich Events
Corona-Martinez L, Bernal JP, Cruz FW & López-Martínez R
(2014) REE as Palaeohydrogeological Tracers in Stalagmites: A Valuable but Delicate Proxy
Aliaga M-P, Bernal JP & Corona-Martínez L
(2014) The Internal Structure of Millennial-Scale Abrupt Climate Change Events; Insights from LAICPMS Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Records
Bernal JP, Strikis N, Cruz FW, Catunda MC, Ortega C, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Auler A
(2014) In situ 230Th/U Dating of Quaternary Zircons Using LA MCICPMS
Bernal JP, Solari L, Gómez-Tuena A, Ortega C, Capra L & Mori L
(2014) Use of Compact Discrete Dynode (CDD) Detectors in a Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS for U-Pb Geochronology: Comparisons with Quadrupole Laser Ablation Data
Solari L, Bernal JP, Ortega-Obregón C & Gómez-Tuena A
(2014) Uranium Isotope Ratios as a Tool to Identify the Sources of Polluted Sediments from Santa Rosalía Copper Mining Region, Mexico
Shumilin E, Bernal-Uruchurtu JP & Choumiline K
(2010) Carbonate U-Series Dating Using Quadrupole-ICPMS
Hernandez-Mendiola E, Bernal J-P & Lounejeva E
(2009) Holocene Climate Variability in Southwestern Mexico from Speleothem δ18O and Mg/Ca
Bernal JP, Lachniet M, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Morales P & Cienfuegos E
(2009) Distribution of Rare Earth Elements between Cave-Drip Water and Speleothem Calcite
Aliaga-Campuzano P, Bernal JP & Lounejeva-Baturina E
(2009) Trace Element and Isotope Geochemistry of Naica Gypsum Mega-Crystals
Briceño Prieto S, Bernal JP, Rosales-Lagarde L & Villasuso R
(2008) Preliminary Results from a New ELA-ICPMS: U-Pb Geochronology and Elemental Analysis
Bernal J-P, Solari L, Gómez-Tuena A, Pérez-Arvizu O, Gabay C, Miller P & Shelley M
(2006) An early Holocene stalagmite record of dust and humidity from southwestern Mexico
Bernal JP, McCulloch M & Lachniet M
(2006) Improved precision in isotope and element ratio measurements by quadrupole-based ICP-MS
Mora-Palomino L, Solari L, Lounejeva E & Bernal JP
(2002) Strategies for the Determination of the Isotopic Composition of Natural Uranium
Bernal JP, McCulloch M, Mortimer G & Esat T