All abstracts by Steve N. Chillrud in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Reconstructing the Record of Anthropogenic Pyrogenic Carbon Emissions Since the Onset of the Industrial Revolution: Location, Location, LocationLouchouarn P, Kopp K, Kjær K, Ilsoe P, Andresen C, Chillrud S & Rumpel C
(2013) Formation of Magnetite within Aquifer Sediments and Its Effects on Arsenic Mobility
Sun J, Chillrud S, Mailloux B & Bostick B
(2012) Distribution of Ferrihydrite in Sediments and its Role in Regulating Groundwater Arsenic Exposure Potential
Bostick B, Sun J, Mihajlov I, Chillrud S & Mailloux B
(2005) An Approach to Interpreting Contaminant Deposition Fluxes from Dated Sediment Cores
Chaky D, Bopp R & Chillrud S
(2002) Tracing Groundwater Transport Underneath a Landfill with SF6, Br, and 3H/3He
Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN, Law-wai E & Schlosser P