All abstracts by V Bolz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2005) Cretaceous Magmatism and Cu-Au Mineralization in the Region of the Apuseni – Banat – Timok – Sredno-Gorie Belt – Constrains from U-Pb Zircon and Re-Os Molybdenite Datingvon Quadt A, Peytcheva I, Bolz V & Heinrich C
(2004) Submarine Hydrothermal Trace Metal Input into the Ocean Through Island Arc Volcanism in the Lesser Antilles
Georg B, Frank M, Marbler H, Koschinsky A, Van de Flierdt T, Bolz V, Kubik P & Halbach P
(2003) Osmium in the Arctic Ocean: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity
Bolz V, Levasseur S, Porcelli D, Frank M & Halliday A