All abstracts by Sergio Bellomo in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Rare Earth Elements Behavior at Poás Hyperacid Crater Lake (Costa Rica) during a Cycle of Frequent Phreatic Eruptions (2008-2016)Pappaterra S, Inguaggiato C, Rouwet D, Mora-Amador R, Ramírez-Umaña C, González G, Brusca L, Peiffer L, Levresse G & Bellomo S
(2019) REE Fractionation in Hyperacid Sulphate Waters during the Gypsum Precipitation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems
Inguaggiato C, Iñiguez E, Peiffer L, Kretzschmar T, Brusca L, Mora-Amador R, Ramirez C, Bellomo S, Gonzalez G & Rouwet D
(2015) Volatile Plume Derived Elements in Groundwater of Mt. Etna Volcano
Liotta M, D'Alessandro W, Bellomo S & Brusca L
(2014) Monitoring of Dissolved Helium Isotope Ratios in Etnean Groundwaters
Longo M, Bellomo S, Brusca L, D'Alessandro W, Paonita A & Rizzo A
(2009) Methane Fluxes from the Soils in Active Volcanic Areas: The Case of Pantelleria Island (Italy)
D'Alessandro W, Bellomo S, Brusca L, Longo M, Martelli M & Pecoraino G
(2002) Magmatic Gas Scavenging Through Ashes: Mt. Etna July-August 2001 Eruption
Bellomo S, Del Carlo P, D'Alessandro W, Coltelli M & Parello F