All abstracts by Kenneth Belitz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Multi-Tracer Approach to Constraining Groundwater Age StructureKulongoski J, Jurgens B, Zappala J, Mueller P, Mace E, White S, Aalseth C & Belitz K
(2017) Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Areas, USA
McMahon P, Barlow J, Engle M, Belitz K, Ging P, Hunt A, Kharaka Y, Jurgens B, Tollett R & Kresse T
(2014) Helium in California Groundwater
Kulongoski J, Esser B, Belitz K & Fram M
(2011) Mantle Volatiles in Groundwaters Near the San Andreas Fault
Kulongoski J, Hilton D & Belitz K
(2008) Climate Variability in the Mojave Desert over the Past 43 ka
Kulongoski J, Belitz K, Hilton D & Izbicki J