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All abstracts by Richard Brooker in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Growth and Resorption of Bubbles in Magma
Llewellin E, Coumans J, Wadsworth F, Humphreys M, Dobson K, Allabar A, Brooker R, Gardner J & Connolley T

(2019) Diverse Primitive Melts from Heterogeneous Metasomatized Mantle
Becerra-Torres E, Melekhova E, Blundy J & Brooker R

(2019) Fe-Mg-Mn Exchange between Olivine and Melt and an Oxybarometer for Basaltic Systems
Blundy J, Melekhova L, Ulmer P, Pichavant M, Humphreys M, Ziberna L, Cerantolo V, Brooker R & McCammon C

(2019) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics of Exhumed Oceanic Crust as a Probe of Slab Dehydration
Chen S, Hin R, John T, Brooker R, Bryan B, Niu Y & Elliott T

(2018) Tracking Basalt Degassing Using Volatile Stable Isotope Fractionation
Hughes E, Blundy J, Brooker R, Imf E, Cartigny P, Botcharnikov R, Balzer R, Bindeman I, Kilgour G & Mader H

(2018) A Numerical Model for Apatite Cl-Oh-F Evolution and Quantitative Interpretation of Magmatic Processes
Humphreys M, Coumans J, Stock M, Smith V, Riker J, Brooker R & de Hoog C-J

(2017) REE+Y Solubility and Speciation in Hydrothermal Fluids: An Updated View from in situ XAS Measurements
Louvel M, Etschmann B, Mavrogenes J, Brugger J, Liu W, Williams-Jones A, Luginbuehl S, Brooker R, Mei Y, Testemale D & Hazemann J-L

(2017) Deep Impact; Environmental Toxicity of Mining Black Smokers
Fallon EK, Brooker R & Scott T

(2016) Constraining the Evolving Volatile and Melt Geochemistry of Magma Reservoirs Using Apatite
Humphreys M, Stock M, Riker J, Smith V & Brooker R

(2016) The Fate of Carbon in Deeply Subducted Oceanic Crust
Walter M, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Burnham A, Brooker R & Kohn S

(2016) Slab Melting as a Transition Zone Carbon Filter
Thomson A, Walter M, Kohn S & Brooker R

(2016) The Effect of Pressure on S Speciation and Implications for PCD Formation
Matjuschkin V, Blundy J & Brooker R

(2015) Water Contents of Natural Zircons are Controlled by their Y+REE Contents
De Hoog J, Lissenberg J, Brooker R, Hinton R, Trail D & Hellebrand E

(2015) Deep Mantle Melts Recorded in Superdeep Diamonds and their Mineral Inclusions
Walter M, Thomson A, Brooker R & Kohn S

(2015) Evolution and Differentiation of Sulphur in Sub Arc Environment
Matjuschkin V, Blundy J, Brooker R & Tattitch B

(2014) Fe Oxidation State in Hydrous Magmas during Ascent and Degassing
Humphreys M, Brooker R, Fraser D, Burgisser A, Mangan M, McCammon C & Smith V

(2014) Geochemical and Petrological Characterization of Corbetti Caldera (Main Ethiopian Rift): Insights into Continental Rift Zone Magmatism
Fusillo R, Blundy J & Brooker R

(2013) Trace Element Partitioning between Carbonate Globules and Silicate Glass in Volcanic Carbonatites
McMahon S, Humphreys-Williams E, Gilder C, Brooker R, Jeffries T & Walter M

(2013) High-Precision Mg-Isotope Measurements of Peridotites and Bulk Chondrites
Lai Y-J, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Elliott T, Russell S & Brooker R

(2013) Evolution of Chemical and Physical Properties of Mixed Arc Magmas
Humphreys M, Edmonds M, Christopher T & Brooker R

(2007) Water in the Mantle: The Effect of Olivine and Orthopyroxene Composition and fO2
Brooker R, Grant K, Kohn S & Wood B

(2004) Hydrogen Partitioning between Synthetic Olivine, Orthopyroxene and Melt
Grant K, Kohn S & Brooker R

(2004) Noble Gas Diffusion in Mantle Minerals: High Resolution UV Laser Depth Profiling
Heber V, Brooker R, Kelley S & Wood B

(2002) Generation, Ascent and Crystallization of Calc-Alkaline Silicic Magmas
Blundy J, Sparks S, Annen C, Brooker R, Melnik O & Cashman K

(2002) The 'Zero Charge' Partitioning Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Brooker R, Wood B, Kelley S, Chamorro E & Blundy J

(2000) An Experimental View of the Behaviour of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting
Kelley SP, Brooker RA, Chamorro-Perez E, Wartho J & Wood B

(2000) Subduction-Related Mantle Pyroxenites from Zabargad Island, Red Sea
Brooker R, Blundy J & James R

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