All abstracts by Andreas Beinlich in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Production and Destruction of Novel Organic Species during Simulated Hydrothermal Alteration of Seafloor SedimentViflot TØ, Pereira SI, Boonnawa C, Voje TJT, Leth Jørgensen S, Beinlich A, Hansen CT, Schubotz F, Dittmar T & Reeves EP
(2023) Mobility of Fluoride in Fluids Influenced by Hydrothermal Alteration of Sediment
Voje TJT, Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Scheffler J, Seewald JS, Gartman A, Beinlich A & Reeves EP
(2021) Cu Isotope Variations in Active Hydrothermal Chimneys along the Ultra-Slow Spreading Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge
Samin AM, Reeves E, Beinlich A, John J & Roerdink DL
(2021) Shallow-Depth Slab Decarbonation as a Control on the Deep Carbon Cycle
Strobl LA, Plümper O, Ohl M & Beinlich A
(2021) Mechanisms Controlling the Mg Isotope Composition of Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Playas Near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
Mavromatis V, Power IM, Harrison A, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Bénézeth P
(2020) Ultramafic Rock Carbonation between 40° and 255° C
Oskierski HC, Kluge T, Beinlich A & Ashley PM
(2019) Nature and Mechanisms of Mantle Metasomatism of the Tariat Mantle Xenoliths, Central Mongolia
Kourim F, Wang K, Beinlich A & Michibayashi K
(2019) Coupled Processes Control Dissolution and Precipitation
Putnis A, Beinlich A & Wengorsch T
(2019) Weathering and Carbonation of Ultramafic Rocks Traced by Mg Isotopes
Oskierski HC, Beinlich A, Dlugogorski BZ, Altarawneh M & Mavromatis V
(2019) Rutile (Zr, U–Pb) in a Metamorphic Setting: An Example from the Amphibolites of the Bergen Arcs
Moore J, Beinlich A, Porter JK, Talavera C, Berndt J, Piazolo S, Austrheim H & Putnis A
(2018) Tracing Cation and Anion Exchange in Hydrotalcite Minerals Using Stable C, O and Mg Isotopes
Turvey C, Wilson S, Hamilton J, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Frierdich A
(2016) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Fluid-Ultramafic Rock Interaction
Beinlich A, Mavromatis V, Austrheim H & Oelkers EH
(2016) Hydrotalcites as a Carbon Sink in Serpentinites
Turvey C, Wilson S, Hamilton J, McCutcheon J, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Southam G
(2015) Fracture Formation due to Growth of Hydrous Carbonates
Ulven OI, Beinlich A, Sun W, Austrheim H & Malthe-Sørenssen A
(2015) Pore Scale Visualization of Multiphase Reactions in the Unsaturated Zone
Harrison AL, Dipple GM, Song W, Power IM, Mayer KU, Beinlich A & Sinton D
(2014) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Ultramafic Rock Alteration – Implications for the Global Mg-Cycle
Beinlich A, Mavromatis V, Austrheim H & Oelkers EH
(2014) Subarctic Weathering and Carbonation of Serpentinized Dunites
Hövelmann J, Austrheim H, Beinlich A, Ulven OI & Jamtveit B
(2014) Fragmentation and Carbonation of Serpentinized Dunites
Ulven OI, Austrheim H, Hövelmann J, Beinlich A & Malthe-Sørenssen A
(2013) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Carbonation of Serpentine
Mavromatis V, Beinlich A, Austrheim H & Oelkers EH
(2011) The Evolution of a Serpentinizing Environment Inferred from Andradite Vein Networks
Plümper O, Beinlich A, Janots E & Austrheim H
(2011) On Carbonatization Fronts in Serpentinite: Implications for in situ CO2 Storage
Beinlich A, Plümper O, Hövelmann J, Austrheim H & Jamtveit B
(2010) Calcium Isotopes as Tracers of High-Pressure Subduction-Zone Fluid-Rock Interaction
Gussone N, John T, Beinlich A & Bebout G
(2009) CO2 Sequestration and Extreme Mg Leaching in Serpentinized Peridotite Clasts of the Solund Devonian Basin, SW-Norway
Beinlich A, Austrheim H, Glodny J, Erambert M & Andersen TB
(2009) Channeled Fluid Flow Through Slabs: Reactive Porosity Waves
John T, Podladchikov Y, Beinlich A & Klemd R