All abstracts by Festus T. Aka in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) A HIMU Signature beneath Mt. Oku, Cameroon Volcanic Line: Implications for Plume–Lithosphere InteractionAsaah A, Yokoyama T, Aka F, Usui T, Kuritani T, Wirmvem M & Iwamori H
(2015) The Origin and Dynamics of Mantle Sources beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line
Belay I, Kobayashi K, Kitagawa H, Tanaka R, Aka F & Nakamura E
(2014) Recent Partial Pressure of CO2 Dissolved in the Water at Lake Monoun, Cameroon
Ohba T, Sasaki Y, Kusakabe M, Yoshida Y, Ueda A, Anazawa K, Saiki K, Kaneko K, Miyabuchi Y, Aka F, Fantong W, Tanyileke G & Hell J
(2014) Nature of Enriched Mantle Components beneath the Oku Volcanic Group (OVG) along the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), West Africa
Asaah ANE, Yokoyama T, Aka FT, Kuritani T, Wirmvem MJ & Ohba T
(2011) Origin of Cameroon Line Basanites from Metasomatized Lithosphere
Marzoli A, Aka F, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L & Merle R