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All abstracts by Irina Zhukova in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Solubility of Ru, Rh and Ir in Spinel and Olivine: can the Nugget Effect be Avoided?
Zhukova I, O’Neill H, Campbell I & Fiorentini M

(2017) Understanding the Interplay between S Source and Metal Availability in the Archean: An Example from the Jeerinah Formation
Gregory D, Olson S, Large R, Zhukova I, Kaufman A & Lyons T

(2017) REE Evidence for Elevated pCO2 throughout the Boring Billion
Large R, Mukherjee I, Zhukova I & Stepanov S

(2016) Trace Element Patterns in Pyrite Nodules as a Window to Bioessential Metal Availability in Archean Marine Sediments
Gregory D, Lyons T, Large R, Olson S & Zhukova I

(2011) Al Diffusion in Olivine: An Experimental Study
Zhukova I, O'Neill H & Campbell I

(2007) He Isotope Data Evidence of Crust Contamination for Mantle Melts Resulting to PGE Mineralized Layered Basic Intrusions
Zhukova I, Zhitova L & Borisenko A

(2007) Fluid Phase Separation from Residual Intercumulus Alumosilicate Liquid of the Merensky Reef
Zhitova L, Zhukova I, Borisenko A & Borovikov A

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