All abstracts by Zhaofeng Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The Cerium Stable Isotopic Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge BasaltsZhang Z, Liu F, Zhu H & Sun W
(2022) Enhanced Reverse Weathering in the End Permian and the Early Triassic Ocean
Liu X-M, Cao C, Bataille C, Song H, Saltzman M, Wu H, Tierney K, Korte C & Zhang Z
(2020) Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Arc Magmas: The Absence of Subduction Signal
Kang J, Qi Y, Yu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2019) Calcium Isotopic Variations in Lunar Basalts
Zhang Z, Wu W, Li X, Liu F & An Y
(2019) Calcium Isotopic Compositions of a Carbonate Weathering Porfile in Southern China
Li X, Liu F, An Y, Wei G, Ma J & Zhang Z
(2019) Kinetic Ca-Fe Isotope Fractionation in Xenoliths Overprinted by Plume-Lithosphere Interaction
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2019) Optimize the Double-Spike Technique for Accurate Calcium Isotope Measurements by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS)
Liu F, Li X, Wang G & Zhang Z
(2018) Barium Isotope Compositions of Lesser Antilles Forearc Sediments from DSDP Sites 543 and 144
Nan X, Yu H, Huang F, Zhu H & Zhang Z
(2018) Calcium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Olivines
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Zhu H
(2018) Reaction Controlled Kinetic Inter-Mineral Ca Isotope Fractionation between Orthopyroxene and Clinopyroxene
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2016) Iron and Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Continental Basalts from the North China Craton
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Huang F
(2016) Coupled Extremely Light Calcium and Iron Isotopes in Peridotites from Northern China
Zhao X, Zhang Z, Huang S, Liu Y, Zhang H & Li X
(2010) Isotopic Signatures in Cedar Butte Lavas: An Indication of Thermal Diffusion?
Li X, Lundstrom C, Zhang Z, McCurry M & Holmden C
(2009) Constraints on Deep Crustal Magma Differentiation by U-Series Disequilibria of Rocks from Southern Peru, Central Volcanic Zone
Huang F, Sørensen E, Holm P, Zhang Z, Lundstrom C & Glessner J
(2007) Climate Fluctuations during the Last 3000 Years in Guizhou, China: Evidence from the TIMS-U Series Ages and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Stalagmite
Peng Z, Zhang Z, Luo C, Liu Y & Chou C-L