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All abstracts by Youxue Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Pyroxene Phenocrysts as Tracers of Melt Water Content in Lunar Basalts
Su X & Zhang Y

(2022) Cooling Time Scales of Lunar 74220 Orange Glass Beads from Na and Cu Profiles
Su X, Zhang Y, Liu Y & Holder RM

(2022) Diffusive Stable Isotope Fractionation during Mineral Dissolution
Zhang Y

(2021) Diffusive Isotope Fractionation of Potassium in Molten Basalts
Zhang Y

(2021) Copper Isotope Fractionation by Diffusion in Basaltic Melts
Ni P, Shahar A & Zhang Y

(2019) K Isotope Fractionation in Diffusion Couples of Molten Basalts
Zhang Y, Gan T & Guan Y

(2018) Diffusive Mineral Dissolution or Growth When Diffusivity in the Melt Depends on Concentration
Zhang Y

(2017) Multicomponent Diffusion in Basaltic Melts
Guo C & Zhang Y

(2016) H2O Paradox and Possible Solutions
Zhang Y

(2016) Multicomponent Diffusion in Silicate Melts: SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3-MgO-Cao-Na2O-K2O System
Guo C & Zhang Y

(2015) Cu and Fe Diffusion in Rhyolitic Melts during Chalcocite “Dissolution”
Ni P, Zhang Y, Simon A & Gagnon J

(2015) Seconds after Impact: Insights into the Thermal History of Tektites
Stolper E, Macris C, Badro J, Asimow P, Zhang Y & Eiler J

(2014) Magmatic Volatiles: Five Years Back, Five Years Forward
Zhang Y

(2014) Anorthite Dissolution in Basaltic Melt
Yu Y, Zhang Y & Chen Y

(2014) Copper Diffusion in Basaltic Melts
Ni P & Zhang Y

(2014) Cassiterite Dissolution and Sn Diffusion in Silicate Melts
Yang Y, Zhang Y & Simon A

(2014) Chemical Zonation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Newcombe M, Fabbrizio A, Zhang Y, Ma C, Le Voyer M, Guan Y, Eiler J, Saal A & Stolper E

(2013) Constraining OH Diffusivity in Silicate Melts
Ni H, Xu Z & Zhang Y

(2013) Superchondritic Mantle is Partially Depleted MORB Mantle
Zhang Y

(2013) Short Timescales of Magma Ascent Recorded in Melt Inclusion Diffusion Profiles
Plank T, Lloyd A, Ruprecht P, Hauri E & Zhang Y

(2012) On Diffusion in Heterogeneous Media
Zhang Y & Liu L

(2011) Degassing History of Earth
Zhang Y

(2011) Volatile and Major Element Zonation within Melt Inclusions: A Natural Diffusion Experiment
Newcombe M, Fabbrizio A, Zhang Y, Guan Y, Ma C, Le Voyer M, Eiler J, Saal A & Stolper E

(2010) Oxygen Diffusion in Hydrous Silicate Melts
Zhang Y

(2009) Degassing of Lunar Basalts
Zhang Y

(2008) Diffusivity-Viscosity Relations
Zhang Y

(2007) Pressure Dependence of Viscosity of Hydrous Rhyolitic Melts
Hui H, Xu Z & Zhang Y

(2007) H2O Diffusion in Rhyolite at 1-2 GPa
Ni H & Zhang Y

(2007) Spherical Diffusion Couple, Closure of Core Composition, and Geospeedometry
Zhang Y

(2007) Water Diffusion in Trachyte and Phonolite Melts
Fanara S, Behrens H & Zhang Y

(2002) Cooling Rates and Temperature in Eruption Columns Inferred from the Hydrous Species Geospeedometer
Zhang Y & Xu Z

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