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All abstracts by Bruce Yardley in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Preliminary Constraints on the Temperature of Hydrothermal Carbonatite REE Mineralisation Using O Isotope Thermometry
Broom-Fendley S, Yardley B, Cangelosi D & Newton R

(2017) Uplift Metamorphism and Late Orogenic Fluids in the Upper Crust
Yardley B

(2017) Influence of Hydrothemral Activity on the Final REE Minerlisation at the Okorusu Carbonatite Complex, Namibia
Cangelosi D, Banks D, Yardley B & Smith M

(2014) Dissolution of K-Feldspar at CO2-Saturated Conditions
Rosenqvist J, Kilpatrick A, Yardley B & Rochelle C

(2014) Controls on Fluid Chemistry in Natural Systems
Yardley B & Banks D

(2012) Kinetics of Ca-Na Ion Exchange, Induced by CO2-driven Acid Dissolution of Carbonate Minerals
Rosenqvist J & Yardley B

(2012) Segregation Processes in Metamorphism: The Role of Nucleation
Yardley B, Schettler G & Heinrich W

(2012) Mineral Dissolution Kinetics Under Conditions Relevant to Geological Storage
Kilpatrick A, Rosenqvist J & Yardley B

(2011) Rates and Mechanisms of Hydration in Crystalline Crust
Yardley B, Nabein H-P & Heinrich W

(2011) Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Fluids at Subcritical Pressure: Testing the Models
Rosenqvist J, Kilpatrick A & Yardley B

(2010) Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Rock-Buffered Aqueous Fluids
Rosenqvist J, Rochelle C & Yardley B

(2009) Silicate Dissolution Kinetics Under Acid Conditions: Applications to CO2 Sequestration
Allan M & Yardley B

(2008) Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution: A Fluid Inclusion Study
Morgan S, McCaig A, Yardley B & Cann J

(2008) Sedimentary Brines in Ore Deposits and Basement Rocks
Yardley B & Banks D

(2007) Extreme Fractionation of Low Salinity Magmatic Fluids
Yardley B, Banks D & Vry V

(2006) Calcium variation in formation waters from petroleum reservoirs
Houston S & Yardley B

(2006) Origin of Mixed Brine-Sulphide Inclusion Trails from Broken Hill New South Wales Investigated by LA-ICP-MS
Williams P, Fisher L, Yardley B & Forbes L

(2005) The Solubility of Quartz in Chloride Solutions at 400o-800℃ and 0.1-0.9<!s><$>GPa
Shmulovich K, Yardley B & Graham C

(2005) Hydrothermal Processes in a Breccia-Hosted Au Deposit
Allan M & Yardley B

(2004) Geochemical Continuity of Crustal Fluids
Yardley B

(2004) Microanalysis of Low Salinity Ore Fluids by LA-ICP-MS
Allan M, Yardley B, Forbes L & Banks D

(2001) Continuous and Episodic Fluid Flow in Regional Metamorphism
Yardley BWD

(2000) Tracking Brines in Crustal Processes
Banks D & Yardley B

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