All abstracts by Jean-Alix Barrat in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Bulk Elemental Composition of Aggregate Material from Asteroid BennuKoefoed P, Wang K, Alexander CMO, Barrat J-A, Haenecour P, Barnes JJ, Nguyen AN, Connolly HC & Lauretta DS
(2023) Origin of the Volatile Elements of Primitive Achondrites and Iron Meteorites Revealed by Zinc Isotope Anomalies
Fang L, Moynier F, Paquet M, Kubik E, Barrat J-A & Chaussidon M
(2023) Origin and Implications of He-Depleted Afar Mantle Plume
Balci U, Stuart F, Barrat J-A & van der Zwan FM
(2022) Low He Content of the High 3He/4He Afar Mantle Plume: Origin and Implications of the He-Poor Mantle
Balci U, Stuart F, Barrat J-A & van der Zwan FM
(2021) Tracing the Origin and Differentiation of the Enstatite Achondrite Parent Bodies Using Cr Isotopes
Zhu K, Moynier F, Schiller M, Becker H, Barrat J-A & Bizzarro M
(2021) Vertical Movements Recorded in Fe-Mn Crusts:what Interest in Resource Exploration?
Charles C, Pelleter E, Revillon S, Jorry S, Bourles D, Kluska J-M & Barrat J-A
(2020) Paleoceanographic Reconstruction of the Mozambique Channel: Geochemical Study of Fe-Mn Crusts
Charles C, Pelleter E, Revillon S, Bourles D, Kluska J-M & Barrat J-A
(2019) Timing and Origin of the Angrite Parent Body Inferred from Cr Isotopes
Zhu K, Moynier F, Wielandt D, Larsen KK, Barrat J-A & Bizzarro M
(2017) Potassium Isotopic Fractionation during the Volatile Depletion In Early Solar System
Wang K, Tian Z, Chen H, Fegley B, Lodders K & Barrat J-A
(2017) Metal-Silicate Equilibrium Signature Preserved in Pristine Eucrites
Dhaliwal JK, Day JMD, Tait KT & Barrat J-A
(2016) Petrology of Ferroan Diogenites and Genetic Relationship with Other Diogenites and Eucrites
Yamaguchi A, Barrat J-A & Shirai N
(2015) High Temperatures in the Solar Nebula: Evidence from Chondrules and Matrix
Friend P, Hezel DC, Barrat J-A, Zipfel J & Palme H
(2014) Silicon Isotopes in Achondrites and Clues to Planetary Differentiation
Pringle E, Savage P, Badro J, Barrat J-A & Moynier F
(2014) Isotopic Composition of Sulfur in Enstatite Meteorites
Defouilloy C, Moynier F, Pringle E, Assayag N, Barrat J-A & Cartigny P
(2013) Highly Equilibrated Carbonaceous Chondrites
Zipfel J, Barrat J-A, Göpel C & Linnemann U
(2013) Redox State during Core Formation on Planetesimals
Pringle E, Savage P, Badro J, Barrat J-A & Moynier F
(2013) Isotopic Composition of Sulfur in Enstatite Meteorites
Defouilloy C, Moynier F, Pringle E, Barrat J-A & Cartigny P
(2010) Determination of Trace Elements in Seawater by ICP-SFMS after Tm Addition and Co-precipitation
Freslon N, Bayon G, Birot D, Bollinger C & Barrat J-A
(2010) The Origin of Very Low Eu Anomalies in Diogenites
Barrat J-A, Yamaguchi A, Zanda B, Bollinger C & Bohn M
(2010) A Comparative Study of Rare Earth Element Concentration in Copper-Sulfides from Different Hydrothermal Sites on the MAR
Evrard C, Barrat J-A & Fouquet Y
(2007) Geochemical Segmentation of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dosso L, Hamelin C, Hanan B, Moreira M & Barrat J-A
(2007) Li Diffusion and Isotopic Fractionation in Olivines Crystals
Hamelin C, Chaussidon M, Barrat J-A, Beck P & Bohn M
(2004) Li Isotopic Study of Martian Meteorites
Beck P, Barrat J, Chaussidon M, Gillet P & Bohn M
(2002) High-Pressure Silicates in Martian Meteorites
Beck P, Gillet P, Barrat J-A, Jambon A & El Goresy A
(2001) Cu and Zn Isotopes in Carbonaceous Chondrites and Iron Meteorites
Luck JM, Ben Othman D, Albarède F & Barrat JA
(2000) Rare Earth Element Chemistry of Jurassic Seawater Inferred from Fish and Reptile Apatite (Paris Basin, France and England)
Picard S, Lécuyer C, Barrat J, Garcia J, Dromart G & Sheppard S
(2000) The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions
Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M