All abstracts by Katsuyuki Yamashita in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Allende Chondrule Chronology Revisited: Eroding Age Gap between CAIs and ChondrulesYin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Sanborn M & Yamashita K
(2009) 53Mn-53Cr Evidence for Allende Chondrule Formation at 4567.6 Ma
Yin Q-Z, Yamashita K, Yamakawa A, Jacobsen B, Ebel D, Hutcheon I & Nakamura E
(2009) An Old HIMU Seamount Chain Near the Japan Trench: Implications for Temporal Isotopic Variation of a Superplume
Shimoda G, Ishizuka O, Yamashita K, Yoshitake M, Ogasawara M & Yuasa M
(2008) Geochemistry of Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks from the Southern Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt: Implication for the Evolution of the Tanzania Craton
Messo C, Yamashita K, Kobayashi K, Makishima A, Sakaguchi C & Nakamura E
(2007) Geochemical Study on Bousei, Hotta and Smetanin Seamounts Near the Japan Trench in Northeastern Pacific Ocean
Shimoda G, Ishizuka O, Yamashita K, Yoshitake M, Ogasawara M & Yuasa M