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All abstracts by Zhifang Xu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Sulfuric Acid Disturbance in CO2 Effects of the Tibetan Plateau Weathering: Evidence from River Geochemistry
Liu W & Xu Z

(2024) Zn Isotope Geochemical Fingerprint for Diverse Land Utilizations: Evidence from Soil Profiles in a Karst Area
Han R, Liu W & Xu Z

(2016) Water Geochemistry of the Yalong River Region of Eastern Tibetan Plateau
Zhang X & Xu Z

(2015) Chemical Composition of Rainwater and the Acid Neutralizing Effect at Beijing and Chizhou City, China
Xu Z, Wu Y, Liu W, Liang C, Ji J, Zhao T & Zhang X

(2015) Chemical and Strontium Isotopic Characteristics of the Rivers Around the Badain Jaran Desert, North China
Liu W, Xu Z, Jiang H, Zhao T, Shi C, Liang C & Hu J

(2013) Li Isotope Geochemical Study on Weathering of Granite in Longnan, Jiangxi Province, South China
Liu W, Liu C, Zhao Z, Zhao T, Xu Z, Liu T & Huang L

(2007) Geochemistry of Dissolved Rare Earth Elements in the Xijiang River, China
Xu Z, Han G & Tang Y

(2007) Weathering Processes in Karst River, Southwest China: Implication from Riverine Sulphur and Strontium Isotope
Han G, Xu Z & Tang Y

(2002) Geochemistry of Dissolved and Suspended Loads of the Xijiang River, China: Weathering Processes and Erosion Rates
Xu Z, Liu C-Q & Zhang H

(2002) Geochemistry of Proterozoic Basic-Ultrabasic Volcanics from the West of Yangtze Plate: Implications for the Crust-Mantle Evolution
Zhang H, Xu Z & Liu C-Q

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