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All abstracts by Frank Wombacher in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Contamination Pathways and Remediation Strategies in a Thallium-Contaminated Geological Environment (Valdicastello Carducci Area, Tuscany, Italy)
Ferrari M, Bragagni A, Biagioni C, Schannor M, Gleissner P, Wombacher F, Conticelli S, Natali C & Tommasini S

(2024) Complex Homogenization of the Silicate Earth Constrained by 182W and 142Nd Isotopes in the Earliest Rock Record of the São Francisco Craton, Eastern Brazil
Leitzke FP, Pakulla J, Tusch J, Ravindran A, Barbosa RG, Zincone S, Hellers M, Martins AA, Spreafico RR, Yang R, Wombacher F, Barbosa J & Münker C

(2023) Cadmium Isotopes in Apollo Lunar Samples: Implication for Sources of Volatile Elements and Lunar Surface Dynamics
Abouchami W, Wombacher F & Galer SJG

(2023) Elemental Compositions of ~3 mg Ryugu Samples and CI Chondrites Compared
Wombacher F

(2023) Molybdenum Isotope Variations in Terrestrial Samples: Analytical Challenges and Constraints on Late Accretion
Tusch J, Fischer-Gödde M, Wombacher F, Szilas K & Münker C

(2023) Tin Isotope Variations in Chondrites and Earth: Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation and the 115In-115Sn Decay System
Bragagni A, Wombacher F, Kirchenbaur M, Braukmüller N & Münker C

(2023) Carbonatites and Phonolites Linked by Mantle Derived Calcium in the Kaiserstuhl, Germany
Jentzsch C, Pakulla J, Spürgin S, Gäb FM, Lagos M, Wombacher F, Heuser A, Münker C & Ballhaus C

(2021) Correlated Te, Zn, and Cd Isotopes in Chondritic Meteorites
Rydeblad EM, Rehkämper M, Pickard H & Wombacher F

(2020) Cadmium Stable Isotopes in Lunar Regolith Samples
Abouchami W, Wombacher F, Braukmüller N & Galer SJG

(2020) Analyses of Extraterrestrial Samples Using Quadrupole ICP-MS
Wombacher F, Braukmüller N, Kaufmann L, Abouchami W, Münker C & Bischoff A

(2020) Volatile Elements in Chondrites
Braukmüller N, Funk C, Münker C & Wombacher F

(2019) Preferential Light Cd Isotope Condensation in 1 Bar Experiments
Zippmann V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell D-B & Wennrich V

(2019) A Cosmochemical Perspective on Earth's Volatile Element Budget
Braukmüller N, Wombacher F, Funk C & Münker C

(2019) Stable Cadmium Isotopes in Carbonaceous Chondrites Revisited
Abouchami W, Wombacher F, Braukmueller N & Galer S

(2017) Mercury (Hg) in Meteorites from Antarctic and Museum Collections
Wombacher F & Escoube R

(2017) The Bulk Chemical Composition of Carbonaceous Chondrites Determined by SF-ICP-MS
Braukmüller N, Wombacher F & Münker C

(2015) The Hf and W Isotope Inventory of Sequentially Leached Chondrites
Elfers B-M, Peters S, Sprung P, Wombacher F & Münker C

(2015) Reconstructing Past Ocean Circulation with 231Pa/230Th and Nd Isotopes
Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Blaser P, Antz B, Böhm E, Carvalho Ferreira ML, Wombacher F, Christl M, Mulitza S & Jaccard S

(2015) Fractionation of Cd Isotopes during Evaporation and Condensation at Atmospheric Pressure
Kremser V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB & Münker C

(2015) Precise and Accurate Determination of In and Sn Abundances in Geological Materials by Isotope Dilution MC-ICP-MS
Kirchenbaur M, Wombacher F & Heuser A

(2015) Distribution of S, Se and Te in Chondrites Determined by LA-ICP-MS Using a Nanoparticle Standard
Funk C, Wombacher F, Günther D, Tabersky D, Koch J, Meisel T, Kronz A & Heuser A

(2015) Sulfur, Se, and Te Abundances in Chondrites and their Components
Funk C, Wombacher F, Becker H, Bischoff A, Günther D & Münker C

(2013) Element Quantification in Chondritic Components by LA-ICP-MS
Funk C, Wombacher F, Glaus R, Tabersky D, Koch J & Günther D

(2013) Mass-(in)dependent Cd Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wombacher F & Rehkämper M

(2013) Quality Control for Novel Isotope Analyses
Rehkämper M, Wombacher F, Nielsen S, Schönbächler M, Fehr M, Goldberg T, Larner F, Laycock A, Paul M & van de Flierdt T

(2013) Fractionation of Cd Isotopes during Evaporation and Re-condensation
Kremser V, Wombacher F, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB & Münker C

(2013) Isotope Anomalies of Hf and W in Chondrite Leachates and Residues Isotope Anomalies of Hf and W in Chondrite Leachates and Residues
Elfers B-M, Peters STM, Wombacher F & Muenker C

(2012) Glacial Atlantic Circulation – Insights from Combined Sedimentary eNd and 231Pa/230Th Records
Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Wombacher F, Christner E & Christl M

(2012) Isotope Dilution Analysis of Se and Te in Chondritic Meteorites
Funk C, Wombacher F, Becker H & Bischoff A

(2012) Experimental Investigation of Mass-(in)dependent Cadmium Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wombacher F, Kremser V, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB, Munker C & Heuser A

(2012) Mineralogical Control of Se and Te Signatures in Peridotites: Implications for the Primitive Mantle
Konig S, Lorand J-P, Wombacher F, Luguet A & Pearson DG

(2011) Mass-Independent Cd Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wombacher F

(2010) In Search of a Common Reference Material for Cadmium Isotope Studies
Abouchami W, Rehkämper M, Galer SJG, Horner TJ, Xue Z, Henderson GM, Wombacher F, Schonbachler M, Gault-Ringold M & Stirling C

(2009) Highly Siderophile Element Abundances and 187Os/188Os in Lunar Impact Melt Breccias
Fischer-Gödde M, Becker H & Wombacher F

(2009) Constraints from Mantle Pyroxenites on Highly Siderophile Element Fractionation during Melt Transport in the Mantle
Becker H, van Acken D, Fischer-Gödde M & Wombacher F

(2009) Trace Element Abundances in Sulfide and Phosphide Bearing Inclusions in Iron Meteorites
Meyer C, Wombacher F, Becker H & Wiechert U

(2009) Selenium and Tellurium Abundances in Mafic and Ultramafic Rock Reference Samples by ID-ICP-MS
Wombacher F, Ziegler A & Becker H

(2008) Barium, but no Sr Isotope Anomalies in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Wombacher F, Hammerschmidt K, Becker H & Pack A

(2008) Rhodium, Gold and Other Highly Siderophile Element Abundances in Terrestrial Peridotites
Fischer-Goedde M, Becker H, Wombacher F & Lorand J-P

(2007) Fractionated HSE in Suboceanic Mantle: Assessing the Influence of Refertilization Processes on Upper Mantle Peridotites
van Acken D, Becker H, Wombacher F, Walker RJ, McDonough WF, Ash RD & Piccoli PM

(2007) Determination of Siderophile and Chalcophile Elements in Peridotites by Sector Field ICP-MS
Meier LC, van Acken D, Fischer-Gödde M, Wombacher F & Becker H

(2007) Rhodium, Gold and Other Highly Siderophile Elements in Chondrites
Fischer-Gödde M, Wombacher F & Becker H

(2007) Barium Isotope Compositions of Chondrites Revisited
Wombacher F & Becker H

(2007) Heavy Isotope Fractionation in the Solar System – A Volatile Perspective
Rehkämper M, Schönbächler M, Wombacher F, Baker R, Nielsen S & Williams H

(2004) Magnesium Stable Isotope Compositions of Reference Solutions
Wombacher F, Eisenhauer A, Bock B & Fietzke J

(2002) Stable Isotope Compositions of Cadmium in Stony Meteorites
Wombacher F, Rehkämper M, Mezger K, Münker C & Bischoff A

(2000) Cadmium Stable Isotope Measurements by MC-ICPMS
Wombacher F, Rehkämper M, Mezger K & Münker C

(2000) 92Nb-92Zr in the Early Solar System
Münker C, Weyer S, Mezger K, Rehkämper M, Wombacher F & Bischoff A

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