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All abstracts by Jane K. Willenbring in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Temporal Evolution of Detrital Cosmogenic Denudation Rates in Transient Landscapes from in Situ-Produced 10Be
Willenbring J, Brocard G, Gasparini N & Crosby B

(2014) Beryllium Desorption from Sediments
Boschi V & Willenbring J

(2013) Revealing the ‘Blind Spot’: A Simple Physical Model for the Temporal Evolution of Silicate Mineral Weathering
Evaristo J & Willenbring J

(2013) Bioweathering of Chrysotile Asbestos
Washington K, Willenbring J & Casper B

(2013) The Behavior of Beryllium in Soils and Aquatic Environments
Boschi V & Willenbring J

(2013) CF<sub>4</sub> And CO2 – Coupling Weathering and Carbon Cycle
Schmitt J, Seth B, Köhler P, Willenbring J & Fischer H

(2013) Atmospheric CF<sub>4</sub> Trapped in Polar Ice – A New Proxy for Granite Weathering
Schmitt J, Seth B, Köhler P, Willenbring J & Fischer H

(2010) Ocean 10Be/9Be Evidence for Stable Weathering Rates in the Last 10 My Explains Constant Atmospheric CO2
von Blanckenburg F & Willenbring J

(2008) Denudation Rate Meters in Mountain Belts: Big Brush or Fine Tip?
von Blanckenburg F, Norton KN, Willenbring JK & Wittmann H

(2002) Glacier Erosion Factory: Using 26Al/10Be, Soils, and Geomorphology to Study Relief Development
Gosse J & Willenbring J

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