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All abstracts by Scott D. Wankel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) Identification of Mechanisms of Microbial Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxidation by N-Isotope Analysis
Visser A-N, Lehmann MF, Wankel SD & Kappler A

(2016) Isotopic Overprinting of Nitrification on Denitrification as a Ubiquitous and Unifying Feature of Nitrogen Cycling Across Landscapes
Wankel S & Granger J

(2015) Phanerozoic Trends in Seawater Nitrogen Isotope Composition from Geoporphyrins
Henkes G, Shen J, Naafs D, Idiz E, Shen Y, Wankel S & Pearson A

(2015) Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in Cold Oceanic Crustal Fluids at North Pond
Kraft B, Wankel S, Glazer B, Huber J & Girguis P

(2014) Groundwater Nitrate and the Fate of Native Soil Fertility with Cultivation
Ewing S, Sigler A, Brookshire J, Payn R & Wankel S

(2013) Oxygen Isotope Equilibrium between Sulfite and Water
Wankel S, Bradley A, Eldridge D & Johnston D

(2013) The 15N and 18O Isotopic Signature of Abiotic Reduction of Nitrite by Iron
Buchwald C, Hansel C, Johnston D & Wankel S

(2012) Structural Constraints on Mn(II) Oxidation by Biogenic Mn Oxides
Hansel C, Learman D, Madden A, Wankel S & Webb S

(2012) The Role of Fe(III) (Hydr)oxide Structure in Controlling the Kinetics and Products of Biogenic Sulfide Oxidation in Low Sulfate Media with Desulfovibrio sp
Lentini C, Wankel S & Hansel C

(2012) Interrogating the Mechanisms Controlling Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Sulfate Reduction
Johnston DT, Leavitt WD, Schmidt M, Wankel SD, Bradley AS & Girguis PR

(2011) In situ Stable Isotopic Detection of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Monterey Bay Cold Seeps via Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy
Wankel S, Gupta M, Leen JB, Provencal R, Parsotam V & Girguis P

(2009) Real-Time in situ Volatile Characterization and Methane Carbon Stable Isotopic Composition in the Deep Sea
Wankel SD, Lilley MD, Olson E & Girguis PR

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