All abstracts by Nidhu Lal Banik in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Geochemical Behavior of Redox Sensitive Lanthanides and Actinides at Colloids-Water InterfacesMarsac R, Banik NL, Luetzenkirchen J & Pédrot M
(2013) Competitive Effect of Al(III) on Eu(III) Sorption to Illite
Marsac R, Schnurr A, Kupcik T, Rabung T, Schäfer T, Banik NL, Marquardt C, Marques-Fernandez M, Baeyens B, Bradbury M & Geckeis H
(2011) Sorption and Redox Behavior of Neptunium on Opalinus Clay and Callovo–Oxfordian Argillite
Banik NL, Marquardt C, Schild D, Rothe J & Schäfer T