All abstracts by David Walker in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) The Missing Magmas of MORUstunisik G, Nielsen RL & Walker D
(2012) Carbon Solution and Partitioning between Metallic and Silicate Melts in a Shallow Magma Ocean: Implications for the Origin and Distribution of Terrestrial Carbon
Dasgupta R, Chi H, Shimizu N, Buono A & Walker D
(2011) A Complex Network Analysis of Growth and Mixing Dynamics in Natural Metal-Silicate Systems
Rushmer T, Tordesillas A & Walker D
(2009) Iron Lite: Experimental Constraints on the Composition of Earth’s Core
Walter M, Lord O, Helffrich G & Walker D
(2008) Osmium Partitioning Behavior between Metal and Silicate Melt at High Pressure and Temperature: A New Experimental Approach
Yokoyama T, Walker D & Walker R
(2008) High-Pressure Melting Relations in Fe-C-S Systems: Implications for Metallic Cores in Planetary Bodies
Dasgupta R, Whelan G, Buono A & Walker D
(2005) The Curious Decoupling of Cenozoic Magmatism and Plate Tectonics in Western North America: A NAVDAT Analysis
Glazner A, Farmer L, Walker D, Carlson R & Bowers T
(2005) New (U-Th)/He Age Constraints on the Emplacement of Kimberlite Pipes in North-Eastern Kansas
Blackburn T, Stockli D, Carlson R, Berendsen P, Walker D & Winters N