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All abstracts by David Waite in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Identification of Natural Hydrogen Generation Environments in Australia
Black E, Miller C, Li J, Armstrong R, Feitz A & Waite D

(2015) Formation of Surface U(V) by Reduction of Ca-U-Carbonate Complexes with Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron
Tsarev S, Waite D & Collins R

(2015) Coupled Chemical-Hydrodynamic Modelling of Iron Oxyhydroxide Precipitation in Dynamic Aqueous Environments
Maheshwari P, Kovalsky P, Bligh M & Waite TD

(2015) Bioreduction and Transformation of Fe(III) Oxides by Schewanella Oneidensis MR-1 Under Anaerobic Conditions
Xiao W, Li X, Bligh M & Waite D

(2015) Impact of Algal Exudate on Iron Redox Transformations
Wang K, Bligh M, Li X, Miller C & Waite D

(2015) Effect of Chloride Driven Copper Redox Cycling on the Kinetics of Fe(II) Oxidation in Aqueous Solutions at pH 6.5-8.0
Sun Y, Pham AN & Waite D

(2014) Silver-Mediated Fenton-Like Processes – Do They Occur in Natural Environments?
Waite D, He D & Miller C

(2012) Time-Resolved SAXS Study of Nucleation and Growth of iron(III) Oxyhydroxides
Bligh M, Rose A, Collins R & Waite D

(2012) Fe(II)-mediated Reduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) in the Presence of Fe(III) Oxyhydroxides
Boland D, Collins R, Glover C, Payne T & Waite D

(2011) Ferric Iron Geometry and Coordination during Hydrolysis and Ferrihydrite Precipitation
Collins R, Rose A, Glover C, Boland D, Payne T & Waite D

(2011) Kinetics of Coupled Fe(II)-Catalysed Ferrihydrite Transformation and U(VI) Reduction
Boland D, Collins R, Glover C, Payne T & Waite D

(2011) Silver Nanoparticle-Reactive Oxygen Species Interactions: Application of an Electron Charging-Discharging Model
He D, Jones AM, Garg S & Waite D

(2011) Production of Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide on Photolysis of Natural Organic Matter
Garg S, Rose A & Waite D

(2010) Is There a Link between Fe(III) Oxide Reactivity, Fe(II)-Catalysed Crystallisation and U(VI) Reduction?
Collins RN, Payne TE & Waite TD

(2010) The Inhibitory Effect of Silicate on the Fe(II)-catalysed Sequestration of U by Fe(III) Oxides
Boland D, Collins R, Payne T & Waite TD

(2010) Mineral Species Controlling the Solubility of Al in Acid Sulfate Soil Waters
Jones A, Collins R & Waite TD

(2010) Impact of Amorphous Ferric Oxide Reactions during the Dissociation of Organically Complexed Fe(III)
Bligh M & Waite TD

(2010) Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Elemental Iron and Silver Nanoparticulates
Waite TD, Jones A & Garg S

(2009) Superoxide-Mediated Transformations of Iron by Cyanobacterial Prokaryotes
Waite D, Godrant A, Fujii M & Rose A

(2006) Transformation kinetics of nanosized iron oxides and elemental iron in natural and engineered systems
Waite D

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