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All abstracts by Hubert Vonhof in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Neoarchean Nitrogen Isotope Variability Associated with the Upwelling of Hydrothermal Ammonium on the Submerged Zimbabwe Proto-Craton
Martin AN, Stüeken EE, Leitner J, Gehringer MM, Markowska M, Weyer S, Vonhof H & Hofmann A

(2023) Inter- and Intra-Tooth Variability in Enamel-Bound Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Modern African Mammals from Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
Brömme S, Martinez-Garcia A, Mathe J, Leichliter JN, Vonhof H, Bobe R, Carvalho S & Lüdecke T

(2023) Application of TEX86 Paleothermometer to Speleothems as an Approach to Reconstructing Interglacial Climate over the Korean Peninsula
Cleary DM, Wassenburg JA, Sinha N, Basu S, Jo K-N, Vonhof H, Martinez-Garcia A & Timmermann A

(2022) Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes
Jung J, Zoppe SF, Söte T, Duprey N, Foreman A, Sigman DM, Haug GH, Vonhof H & Martinez-Garcia A

(2021) Western Mediterranean Marine Cores Show an Imprint of Anthropogenically Enhanced CO2 Emissions in Planktic Foraminifers
Pallacks S, Schiebel R, Vonhof H, Galbraith E & Ziveri P

(2021) Stable Isotope Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems: Opportunities and Challenges for their Application as Paleo-Temperature Archives
Markowska M, Levy E, de Graaf S, Scholz D, Martin AN, Petraglia M, Groucutt HS, Martinez-Garcia A, Treble PC, Baker A, Haug GH & Vonhof H

(2021) Reconstructing Eastern Mediterranean Climate during MIS6 and MIS5e from Peqi’in Cave Speleothem Fluid Inclusion Stable Isotope and TEX86 Measurements
Levy E, Bar-Matthews M, Vonhof H, Matthews AA, Ayalon A, Martinez-Garcia A & Haug GH

(2021) The Stable Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Amorphous and Crystalline Carbonates Precipitated from Artificial Seawater – Implications for Nucleation and Crystallisation Mechanisms
Arns AI, Hansen M, Schiebel R, Scholz D, Jantschke A, Wolf SE, Vonhof H, Haug GH & Evans D

(2020) Dating Calcareous Sinter Deposits from Roman Aqueducts by Combined Use of U, Th, Ra and Ba Isotopes
Froeschmann M-L, Scholz D, Passchier C, Sürmelihindi G, Vonhof H & Jochum KP

(2019) Reproducibility and Accuracy of Fluid Inclusion Isotope Studies Using the CRDS Technique
Weissbach T, Kluge T, Fohlmeister J, Riechelmann D & Vonhof H

(2019) Preserving and Identifying Biosignatures in Hot-Spring Deposits
Brasier A, Capezzuoli E, Vonhof H, Rogerson M, Muirhead D & Healy D

(2019) A New Approach for Dating Young Carbonate Samples Using Ingrowth 226-Ra
Froeschmann M-L, Scholz D, Vonhof H, Jochum KP, Paschier C & Sürmelihindi G

(2013) Hydrological Change in the Turkana Basin Through the Termination of the African Humid Period: The Lacustrine Sr-Isotope Record
Vonhof H, Krause-Nehring J, Junginger A, Johnson T, van der Lubbe J & Joordens J

(2013) Temperature Determination from Speleothems Through Fluid Inclusion and Clumped Isotope Techniques
Arienzo M, Swart P, Murray S & Vonhof H

(2011) The Significance of Rotliegend Brines in Mineralizing Processes and Hydrocarbon Systems in the Southern Permian Basin
Lüders V, Plessen B, Vonhof H & Schneider J

(2008) 13C-18O Bonds in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon: Implications for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Guo W, Daeron M, Niles P, Genty D, Kim S-T, Vonhof H, Affek H, Blamart D, Wainer K & Eiler J

(2008) Absolute Speleo-Thermometry, Using Clumped Isotope Measurements to Correct for Kinetic Isotope Fractionations Induced by CO2 Degassing
Daëron M, Guo W, Eiler J, Genty D, Wainer K, Affek H, Vonhof H & Blamart D

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