All abstracts by Alain Vauchez in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) A Window into Neoproterozoic Mantle Evolution: Insights from Serpentinites in the Tuareg Shield, North AfricaOuadahi S, Bodinier J-L, Bendaoud A, Dautria J-M, Vauchez A & Fettous E-H
(2016) Deformation, Metasomatism and Melt-Rock Reactions in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Hoggar Swell (Algeria): Mantle Xenoliths from the Tahalgha, Eggéré and Manzaz Districts
Kourim F, Bodinier J-L, Alard O, Vauchez A & Basscou J
(2013) Heterogeneity and Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle
Tommasi A, Baptiste V, Frets E, Higgie K, Soustelle V, Le Roux V, David M, Vauchez A, Garrido C & Bodinier J-L
(2011) The Pan-African Reconstruction of NW Angola: Petro-Structural and Temporal Constraints
Monie P, Bosch D, Bruguier O, Vauchez A, N'Sungani P & Rolland Y
(2010) High-Pressure Hydrofracturing during Deserpentinization
Garrido CJ, Padrón-Navarta JA, Tommasi A, López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V, Gómez-Pugnaire MT, Jabaloy A & Vauchez A