All abstracts by Drazen Balen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) A Distinct Tectono-Metamorphic Evolution at the Southern Edge of Tisia Mega-Unit Revealed by Monazite and Xenotime Age DatingBalen D, Horváth P, Finger F & Konečný P
(2011) A 3D Snapshot from Granitic System: Tourmaline Nodules and their Bearing on the Granite Evolution
Balen D & Petrinec Z
(2011) LP-Ht Signature from the Adria-Europe Plate Boundary Realm: The Role of Mantle/Crust Interaction in Granite Generation
Petrinec Z & Balen D
(2007) Pre-Variscan Barrovian Metamorphism in the Eastern Part of the Slavonian Mountains, Tisia Unit (NE Croatia): Application of Quantitative Phase Diagrams and Monazite Age Dating
Horváth P, Balen D, Finger F, Humer B, Tomljenovic B & Árkai P