All abstracts by Stella Tsirka in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposure – Implications for Human Health on Earth and BeyondHarrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Vander Kaaden K, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2017) Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures – Implications for Human Space Exploration
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2012) Manganese, Fenton Chemistry, and Disease: The Proof is in the Inflammation
Harrington AD, Tsirka SE & Schoonen MAA
(2009) An in Vivo and in Vitro Evaluation of Mineral-Induced Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species
Hylton S, Schoonen M & Tsirka S