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All abstracts by Burt Thomas in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Uptake of Isotopic Spike by Si-Rich Alteration Layer during Olivine Dissolution
Johnson N, Maher K, Thomas B, Rosenbauer R, Bird D & Brown G

(2012) Formation of the Si-Rich Layer on Olivine Surfaces during Carbonation Under in situ Conditions
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G

(2012) Effect of Oxalic Acid on Geological Storage of CO2 Using Serpentinite
Kang S-H, Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G

(2011) Adsorption of Organic Ligands on Silicate Mineral Surfaces in the Presence of CO2 and Water: Insight into Olivine Dissolution Rates
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G

(2011) Reactivity of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks with CO2-charged Fluids and the Autocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Form CH4
Rosenbauer R, Oze C, Jones C, Thomas B, Goldsmith J & Bischoff J

(2007) The Intramolecular Carbon Isotopic Composition of Acetate in Peatland Porewaters
Thomas B, Arthur M & Freeman K

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