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All abstracts by Bart Baeyens in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Reduction of NpO2+ and TcO4- at the FeII-Montmorillonite-Water Interface
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B

(2018) Thallium Sorption onto Soil Minerals
Voegelin A, Wick S, Marques Fernandes M & Baeyens B

(2017) Sorption of NpO2+ on Montmorillonite: Influence of Ferrous Iron
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B

(2017) Sorption of U and Eu on Illite: Influence of Accessory Minerals
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B

(2017) Thallium Sorption onto Illite
Voegelin A, Wick S, Marques Fernandes M & Baeyens B

(2015) Surface Complexation and Oxidation of Ferrous Iron on Montmorillonites
Soltermann D, Marques Fernandes M, Dähn R, Baeyens B & Gorski C

(2013) Bottom up Approach for the Predictive Modelling of Sorption Isotherms on Argillaceous Rocks
Marques Fernandes M, Dähn R, Ver N & Baeyens B

(2013) Competitive Effect of Al(III) on Eu(III) Sorption to Illite
Marsac R, Schnurr A, Kupcik T, Rabung T, Schäfer T, Banik NL, Marquardt C, Marques-Fernandez M, Baeyens B, Bradbury M & Geckeis H

(2013) Fe(II) Uptake Mechanisms on Montmorillonite Clay Minerals. A Multidisciplinary Approach
Soltermann D, Marques M, Baeyens B, Bradbury M & Daehn R

(2012) X-Ray Microspectroscopic Investigations of Ni(II) Uptake by Argillaceous Rocks of the Boda Claystone Formation in Hungary
Daehn R, Osa¡n J, Breitner D, Saja I, Marques M, Baeyens B & Toeroek S

(2012) Sorption of Lanthanides and Trivalent Actinides on Montmorillonite in the Presence and Absence of Carbonate
Marques Fernandes M, Baeyens B, Daehn R, Stumpf T & Bradbury M

(2012) Investigations of Fe(II) Sorption onto Montmorillonite. A Wet Chemistry and XAS Study
Soltermann D, Marques Fernandes M, Daehn R, Baeyens B & Bradbury M

(2008) Spectroscopic Characterization and Quantification of M(III)/Clay Mineral Outer-Sphere Complexes
Stumpf T, Hartmann E, Baeyens B, Bradbury M & Geckeis H

(2004) Uptake Mechanisms of Ni(II) on Montmorillonite as Determined by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Dähn R, Scheidegger A, Manceau A, Baeyens B & Bradbury M

(2002) Surface Reactivity of Clay Nanoparticles as Studied by Polarized EXAFS
Daehn R, Daehn R, Scheidegger AM, Manceau A, Baeyens B & Bradbury M

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