All abstracts by S Sutton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2007) Fe3+/Fe2+ of Melt Inclusions: Implications for Melt H2O ContentsDanyushevsky L, Berry A, O'Neill H, Newville M & Sutton S
(2007) The Speciation of Metals in Natural Fluid Inclusions at Temperatures up to 700 C
Berry A, Harris A, Kamenetsky V, Newville M & Sutton S
(2006) Synchrotron X-ray Microbeam Techniques in Assessing Metal Bioavailability in the Environment
Lanzirotti A & Sutton S
(2006) 3-D Elemental Imaging by Synchrotron Computed Microtomography
Rivers M, Sutton S & Newville M
(2005) Geometric Constraints of in situ Synchrotron micro-XANES Determinations of Oxidation State
Delaney J, Dyar MD, Gunter M, Sutton S & Lanzirotti A
(2005) Submicrometer-Scale Minor and Trace Element Mapping in Comet Dust
Keller L, Flynn G & Sutton S
(2004) Submicron Scale Element Mapping in IDPs: Constraints on Dust Formation and Aqueous Alteration
Flynn G, Keller L & Sutton S
(2003) The Embryonic Porphyry Copper System at White Island, New Zealand
Rapien M, Bodnar R, Simmons S, Szabó C & Sutton S
(2001) The Use of WDS in Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence and Spectroscopy: Case Studies Involving Heterogeneous Reactivity at the Mineral-Water Interface
Rakovan J, Sutton S, Newville M & Lanzirotti A