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All abstracts by Craig Stricker in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Automated Mineralogy to Characterize Residence of Lead in Fine Grained Sediment along a River Impacted by Historic Lead Mining in Southeast Missouri, USA
Mills C, Stricker C, Buckley C, Pfaff K, Livingston K, Schumacher J, Morrison J, Kane T & Campbell KM

(2015) Scaling of Sulfur Geochemical Processes in Prairie Pothole Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C, Guntenspergen G, Rover J & Mushet D

(2014) Use of δ34S of Sulfate in Hydrogeochemical Investigations of a Prairie Pothole Salt Ring
Mills C, Goldhaber M, Stricker C & Holloway J

(2014) The Role of Sulfur in the Geochemical Evolution of the Praire Potholes Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C & Morrison J

(2012) Concentration and Transport of Solutes Driven by Transpiration at the Edge of a Prairie Pothole Wetland
Mills C, Goldhaber M & Stricker C

(2012) Scaling of Ecological and Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA and Canada
Goldhaber MB, Mills C, Stricker C, Mushet D & Morrison J

(2011) Scaling of Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA
Goldhaber M, Mills C, Morrison J & Stricker C

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