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All abstracts by Ross K. Stevenson in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Mantle Melting and Hydrothermal Fluids at the Montviel Alkaline-Carbonatite System (REE, Nb), Abitibi, Canada
Nadeau O, Stevenson R & Jébrak M

(2013) Petrosomatic Evolution of Montviel Alkaline System and Rare Earth Carbonatites, Abitibi, Canada
Nadeau O, Stevenson R & Jébrak M

(2012) Depleted Mantle as the Source of Gold in Archean Alkaline Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Nadeau O, Stevenson R & Jebrak M

(2012) Use of Stable (HOCN) and Radiogenic (Sr) Isotopes to Determine the Geographic Provenance and Traceability of Artisanal Cheeses of Quebec, Canada
Desrochers S, Stevenson R, Helie J-F & Poirier A

(2012) Geochemistry of Cryogenian Ironstones – The Link to N-Morb and its Implications
Cox G, Halverson G, Minarik W, Stevenson R, Le Heron D, Macdonald F, Strauss J, Sossi P & Bellefroid E

(2012) Discriminating Magma Sources from Fractionation Processes Using N, Ar and Pb Isotopes: The Monteregian Hills Alkaline Province
Pinti DL, Roulleau E, Stevenson RK, Takahata N & Sano Y

(2012) An Early Ediacaran Cap Carbonate Sequence in East Central Brazil
Caxito F, Halverson G, Stevenson R & Uhlein A

(2011) Use of Stable (ΗOCN) and Radiogenic (Sr) Isotopes to Determine the Geographic Provenance and Traceability of Artisanal Cheeses of Quebec, Canada
Desrochers S, Stevenson R, Hélie J-F & Poirier A

(2011) Pb and Sr Isotopes and the Provenance of the Painting Materials in 19th Century Canada
Stevenson R, Moffatt E & Corbeil M-C

(2008) Nd and Pb Isotopic Signatures of Detrital Fractions from Labrador Sea and Iceland Basin Sediments: Deep Oceanic Circulation Changes over the Holocene
Fagel N, Brasseur R, Mattielli N, Stevenson R & Hillaire-Marcel C

(2008) Contamination and Heterogeneity in the Mantle beneath the Alkaline Monteregian Province (Québec): Evidence from Geochemical and Nd-Sr Isotope Data
Roulleau E & Stevenson R

(2008) Eoarchean Mafic Crust in the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt
O'Neil J, Francis D, Carlson R & Stevenson R

(2007) Crustal Anatexis in the Early Archean: Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence from the ca. 3.66 Ga Nuvvuagittuq Tonalite Suite
Stevenson R & Bizzarro M

(2007) Mineralogy and Nd and Pb Isotope Signatures of Clay-Size Fraction of Northern North Atlantic Sediments during the Holocene and Late Glacial: Implications for the Inception of Modern Deep Circulation Pattern
Fagel N, Brasseur R, Mattielli N, Stevenson R & Hillaire-Marcel C

(2007) Nd Isotopic Constraints from the 3.8 Ga Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt for the Degree of Depletion of the Early Earth's Mantle
O'Neil J, Francis D & Stevenson R

(2005) Hf and Nd Isotope Evolution of Lithologies from the 3.8<!s><$>Ga Nuvvuagittuq Sequence, Northern Superior Province, Canada
Stevenson R & Bizzarro M

(2004) Crustal Evolution of the Inukjuak Domain and the ca. 3.8 GA Nuvvuagittuq Sequence, Superior Province, Canada
Stevenson R, David J, Parent M & Maurice C

(2003) Sm-Nd Isotopic Changes in Sediments from the Upper Continental Slope off Southeastern Canada vs Laurentide Ice Sheet Meltwater Routing
Meng X, Stevenson R & Hillaire-Marcel C

(2002) Hf Isotope Composition of 3 Ga Komatiites from Ontario, Canada
Stevenson RK, Bizzarro M, Simonetti A & Gariépy C

(2001) Evidence for Plume-Lithosphere Interaction from Nd-Sr Systematics of Carbonatites and Kimberlite-Hosted Peridotite Xenoliths, Southwestern Greenland
Bizzarro M, Simonetti A, Stevenson RK & Kurszlaukis S

(2000) Nature of the Sub-Continental Mantle Under the North Atlantic Craton: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths of the Safartoq Area, Southwestern Greenland
Bizzarro M & Stevenson RK

(2000) Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb Isotopic Characterization of the Late Archean La Grande Subprovince, Quebec: Significance to the Crustal Development of the Eastern Superior Craton
Isnard H, Gariepy C & Stevenson RK

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