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All abstracts by Abraham Starinsky in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Environmental Conditions for Dolomite Formation in the Late Miocene Lake Bira Revealed by Mg and Sr Isotopes
Lazar B, Halicz L, Karasiński J, Shaked Gelband D, Starinsky A & Stein M

(2011) Sea Water Circulation in Coastal Aquifers as Inferred from Radium Isotopes: The Dead Sea Case
Kiro Y, Weinstein Y, Yechieli Y & Starinsky A

(2009) Radium Geochemistry in a Hypersaline Lake: The Role of Dead Sea Water Circulation in the Aquifer
Kiro Y, Weinstein Y, Yechieli Y & Starinsky A

(2002) Strontium Isotopes in the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden during the Past 530 Kyr: The Role of Hydrothermal and "Erosional" Components during Glacial Interglacial Cycles
Starinsky A, Stein M, Almogi-Labin A, Goldstein SL & Hemleben C

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