All abstracts by Vincenzo Stagno in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Diamonds, Carbonate Melts and Carbon-Bearing Aqueous Fluids in EclogitesStagno V, Sverjensky D & Shahar A
(2014) Carbon Diffusion in Solid Iron Metal at Conditions of the Earth's Upper Mantle
Stagno V, Crispin K & Fei Y
(2013) High-Pressure Stability of Synthetic Al<sub>63</sub>Cu<sub>24</sub>Fe<sub>13</sub> Icosahedral Quasicrystal
Stagno V, Bindi L, Murphy C, Fei Y & Steinhardt P
(2013) The Baric Behaviour of Bloedite at Low and High T: A Contribution to the Study of Icy Satellites
Comodi P, Stagno V, Zucchini A, Fei Y & Prakapenka V
(2013) The Stability of Carbonate Melt in Eclogite Rocks with Respect to Oxygen Fugacity
Frost D, Stagno V, McCammon C & Fei Y
(2012) The Stability of Carbon and Carbonate within Eclogites
Stagno V, Fei Y, McCammon CA & Frost DJ
(2011) High-Pressure Calibration of the Oxygen Fugacity Recorded by Garnet Bearing Peridotites
Stagno V, McCammon C & Frost D
(2009) Halogens in Silicic Magmas, from the Upper Mantle to the Crust
Dolejs D & Stagno V
(2009) The Carbon/Carbonate Equilibria in the Earth’s Mantle as Function of Pressure, Temperature and Oxygen Fugacity
Stagno V & Frost DJ