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All abstracts by Frank Spera in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Reverse Chemistry of Iron in the Deep Earth
Wang X, Feng X, Li J, Jackson M, Spera F & Miao M

(2018) Quantifying Crustal Assimilation in Historical to Recent (1329 – 2005) Lavas at Mt. Etna, Italy: Insights from Thermodynamic Modeling
Takach M, Bohrson W, Spera F, Heinonen J & Graham D

(2018) The Differentiation of a Flood Basalt Sequence Modeled Using the Magma Chamber Simulator
Heinonen JS, Luttinen AV, Bohrson WA & Spera FJ

(2015) Quantifying Open System Magma Body Evolution
Bohrson W, Spera F, Schmidt J & Adams J

(2013) A Tool for Exploring the Impact of Crustal Contamination: The Magma Chamber Simulator
Bohrson W, Spera F, Ghiorso M & Creamer J

(2011) Rollback-Enhanced Decompression Melting of a Volatile-Rich Mantle: The Ancient Lavas of Mt. Etna
Bryce J, Graham D, Blichert-Toft J, Hanan B, Miller S, Barkman J, Spera F & Tilton G

(2008) Magmatic Processes and Timescales Revealed by Plagioclase Textural and in situ Chemical Data
Bohrson W, Mickiewicz S, Salisbury M & Spera F

(2005) Feedback between Physical and Chemical Chararacteristics of an Evolving Open-System Magma Body
Bohrson W & Spera F

(2005) Thermodynamic Models of Mantle Melting to Very High Pressure: Molecular Dynamics and the Macroscopic Scale
Spera F, Cutler I & Nevins D

(2002) Insights into Magmatic Differentiation: Energy Constrained Open-System Processes
Bohrson W & Spera F

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